Re: inheriting new and delete

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:51:32 -0400
dragoncoder wrote:

I got this code from a friend of mine.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base
  int i;
  Base(int ii=0):i(ii){}
  void * operator new(size_t sz)
     cout<<"new sz="<<sz<<endl;
     return ::operator new(sz);
  void operator delete(void* v,size_t sz)
     cout<<"delete sz="<<sz<<endl;
     ::operator delete(v);

class Derived:public Base
 int j;
 Derived(int ii=0,int jj = 0):Base(ii),j(jj){}

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 Derived *d = new Derived;
 delete d;
 Base *b = new Base;
 delete b;
 return 0;

I have a question here. operator new and delete functions are by
definition static to a class.

Sure. You don't need an instance of the class for them to be invoked.

So, if I have defined my own version of
operator new() or operator delete() in a base class, a derived class
should not inherit that from the base.

Huh? Why not? 8-O

But in the above code, for both
Base and Derived, the overloaded functions are being called. Can
someone please explain why ?

Nothing in the Standard says that static members are *not* inherited.

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