Re: Strings with Templates not working?

Markus Pitha <>
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 22:27:34 +0200
Victor Bazarov schrieb:

Markus Pitha wrote:


I'm using a template to simulate a LinkedList from Java.It works
without problems, but when I want to use strings in main.cpp instead
of char*, I get the following error message:

$ ./Main
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what(): basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

I tried to import <string> both in main.cpp and listT.h, but the
errormsg was the same.

You have some logical errors in your code. See below.

The classes look like this:

#include "ListT.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(void) {

   ListT<string> *testList = new ListT<string>();
   cout << testList->get(0) <<endl;
   cout << testList->get(1) <<endl;
   cout << testList->get(2) <<endl;
   delete testList;

return 0;


template <class T> class ListT {

   struct TKnoten {
       T daten;
       int index;
       TKnoten *next;

The 'TKnoten' struct is not a POD, which means that upon its
default-initialisation both 'index' and 'next' contain garbage.
You should write a default c-tor which will initialise 'index'
to something specific, like -1, and 'next' to NULL.


Take a close look at the previous two statements. You create
a new 'TKnoten' object, obtain a pointer to it and IMMEDIATELY
lose it by overriding the value in 'previous'. Do you really
need to create a new 'TKnoten' here while deleting your list?

I have an old C book. They write the following in this book:

head = head->next;

I thought this can not work, because how can I free the "head" of the
list _at first_ without losing the whole list?

        kopf = kopf->next;
        delete previous;
    delete kopf;

template <class T>
void ListT<T>::add(T element) {
    TKnoten *newKnoten = new TKnoten();

    newKnoten->next = kopf;
    kopf = newKnoten;
    kopf->daten = element;
    kopf->index = counter;

template <class T>
T ListT<T>::get(int i) {
    TKnoten *iterator = new TKnoten();

HUH? Why are you creating another 'TKnoten' here?

How can I iterate over the whole list then without an extra object?

    T daten = 0;
    iterator = kopf;

Again, you're immediately losing the value of 'iterator' that you
just obtained from 'new'...

    while (iterator->next != 0) {
         if (iterator->index == i) {
            daten = iterator->daten;
         iterator = iterator->next;
    delete iterator;

Are you sure you need to 'delete' it here?

I thought that I have to delete everything I allocated with "new"?


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