Re: Strings with Templates not working?

 James Kanze <>
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:55:45 -0000
On Jun 20, 10:27 pm, Markus Pitha <> wrote:


I have an old C book. They write the following in this book:

head = head->next;

I thought this can not work, because how can I free the "head" of the
list _at first_ without losing the whole list?

It's undefined behavior. It happened to work with some early
implementations. (In practice, it will work with a lot of
current implementations, at least in a single threaded
environment.) By chance. Don't do it.

The obvious correct way to do this is:

    TKnoten* tmp = head->next ;
    free( head ) ;
    head = tmp ;

template <class T>
T ListT<T>::get(int i) {
    TKnoten *iterator = new TKnoten();

HUH? Why are you creating another 'TKnoten' here?

How can I iterate over the whole list then without an extra object?

Why do you need an extra object to iterate over the whole list?
My pre-standard DLList didn't have one. Type-checking is a bit
easier to manage if you have the extra object, but what I did
was define a basic node class, without any data, but with the
pointers, and then derive from that with the data. Something

    struct Node
        Node* next ;
        Node* prec ;
    } ;

    template< typename T >
    struct ConcreteNode : public Node
        T value ;
    } ;

The DLList class contained a Node which served as root, so to
iterate, you'd do something like:

    for ( Node* current = ;
            current != &root ;
            current = current->next ) {
        ConcreteNode< T >* p
            = static_cast< ConcreteNode< T >* >( current ) ;
        // ...

Alternatively, you can use special values in the pointers at the
end (NULL works fine), and keep separate head and tail pointers
in the List object, so iteration becomes:

    for ( Node* current = first ;
            current != NULL ;
            current = current->next ) ...

This is perhaps easier to understand than using a circular list
with a dedicated node, but requires special casing for
insertions and deletions at either end.

James Kanze (GABI Software, from CAI)
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