 Old Wolf <>
Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:07:05 -0700
On Jun 22, 12:33 pm, Mohitz <> wrote:

i am not quite good with pointers. Here is the code i am using. Is
something wrong with it?

ClassName * funcName(string name)
      deque<ClassName> tempDeque = someGlobalClassNameDeque;
      deque<ClassName>::iterator tempDequeIterate;
      tempDequeIterate = tempDeque.begin();
      while (tempDequeIterate != tempDeque.end())
         ClassName * tempClassName = new ClassName();
         ClassName temp = *tempDequeIterate;
         *tempClassName = temp;
         if (name == temp->name)
                 return tempClassName;
      return NULL;

Yes, it is revolting. The following code has exactly
the same effect (some var names shortened so that my
code fits in Usenet line limits):

  for( deque<ClassName>::const_iterator it = global.begin();
       it != global.end(); ++it )
    if ( name == it->name )
      return new ClassName(*it);
  return NULL;

Having said that, this is a poor method to solve
your problem. In fact even your seemingly simple
invocation of it has an error:

      ClassName * p = funcName(someString);
       if (p == NULL)
           parseError(someString + " undefined.");
           toRet = anotherFunc(*p);
       return toRet;

You never deleted the objected allocated by 'new'.
Also if p were NULL then you return a value that
you never set.

The good solutions to your problem are:
  1) throw an exception on failure
  2) return a ClassName with a special value
     that indicates failure.

With exceptions the above code becomes:

  ClassName funcName(string name)
    for( deque<ClassName>::const_iterator it = global.begin();
       it != global.end(); ++it )
      if ( name == it->name )
        return *it;
    throw std::runtime_error( name + " undefined." );
// In main function or whatever
  try {
    return anotherFunc( funcName(someString) );
  catch (std::exception &e) {
    parseError( e.what() );
    return whatever;

Much simpler!

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   Clinton's Secretary of State