Re: Dynamic Aggregation

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:51:24 -0400
<f87h0f$gee$> wrote:

On Jul 25, 9:10 pm, wrote:

I want to create classes that I could aggregate with each others
using operators. This would therefore take the form of a dynamic

I believe "c.ginestet" has a rather unconventional idea of what
"dynamic" means. For whatever reason I've always thought that in
C++ "dynamic" means either "driven by some data in the run-time"
or "having the lifetime not limited by scope". Maybe it's just me...

You might find it useful to search on "multiple inheritance",
 class dog_and_cat : public dog, public cat { };

How is that "dynamic"?

[..impossibility of dog_and_cat existense aside..]

Why do you specifically want to use "+" to do this? You can use
templates to do such things, [..]

Again, how would that be "dynamic"?

I don't question your suggestion of using templates. After all,
we can try writing

template<class T, class U> class from_two : public T, public U
    // ...

template<class T, class U>
    from_two<T,U>* operator+(T const& t, U const& u)
    return new from_two();

    mammal *dogcat = dog + cat; // requires 'mammal' to be
                                // a virtual base class in both

(or something similar). I am just questioning the use of the
term "dynamic" here. And I second the request to elaborate on the
problem the OP's solving.

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