Re: Using a std::vector as a variable-length receive buffer

"Daniel T." <>
Sun, 12 Aug 2007 16:05:16 CST
In article <>,
  irotas <> wrote:

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I've written a class that mimics
std::vector but is better suited for my purposes.

If anyone is interested, here's the source code:

I don't particularly like your solution... It creates a bunch of objects
that may or may not ever get used. I would do something more like this:

This is a stripped down version of a class that I use when I need an
array of objects that are not copy constructible or assignable.

    template< typename T >
class Buffer {
    T* begin;
    T* end;
    T* cap;
    Buffer(): begin( 0 ), end( 0 ), cap( 0 ) { }

     * reinitializes elements (0, s].
     * postcondition: size() == s && capacity() >= s
    void resize( size_t s ) {
       reserve( s );
       end = begin + s;
       for ( T* inc = begin; inc != end; ++inc )
          inc = new ( inc ) T;

     * invalidates all elements.
     * postcondition: size() == 0 && capacity() >= s
    void reserve( size_t s ) {
       for ( T* inc = begin; inc != end; ++inc )
       end = begin;
       if ( s > capacity() ) {
          ::operator delete( begin );
          begin = (T*)::operator new( s * sizeof( T ) );
          end = begin;
          cap = begin + s;

    T& operator[]( size_t i ) {
       assert( i < size() );
       return begin[i];

    const T& operator[]( size_t i ) const {
       assert( i < size() );
       return begin[i];

    size_t size() const {
       return end - begin;

    size_t capacity() const {
       return cap - begin;

      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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