Re: deletion of mem alloated using placement new

Fri, 31 Aug 2007 08:50:27 -0700
On 31 Ago, 11:48, Gianni Mariani <> wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I am writing memory allocation class policies for a template class.

I have defined one allocated like this:

template <class T>
struct myMallocAllocator
    static T* Allocate()
        void * ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(T));
        if (ptr)
            return new(ptr) T ;
            return 0 ;

The C++ thing is to throw std::bad_alloc and not return 0.


    static void DeAllocate(T *ptr)
            ptr->~T() ;

if (ptr) {
     free( static_cast<void*>(ptr) );



Am i deallocating correctly?

whats with the destructor calling? when you delete a pointer the
destructor is automatically called.
also is perfect valid to delete a NULL pointer, so no need to check if
it exists.

also why use malloc/calloc and free? why not new/delete? i cant see a
valid reason in this example to not use the standard c++ allocate/
deallocate operators.
so simple, no need to complicate it:

template <class T>
class Allocator
        static T* Allocate()
            return new T;

        static void Deallocate( T* t )
            delete t;

class Test
            std::cout << "Test::Test()" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "Test::~Test()" << std::endl;

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    Test *t = Allocator<Test>::Allocate();
    Allocator<Test>::Deallocate( t );

    return 0;

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