Re: STL Link List Problem

Wed, 05 Sep 2007 23:44:31 -0000
On Sep 5, 9:06 pm, Barry <> wrote:

Barry wrote: wrote:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

struct Cell{
    list<int> vertices;
    bool counted;
    Cell* nextCell;
        Cell* tmp = nextCell;
        Cell* current_ptr = nextCell;
        while(tmp != NULL){
            current_ptr = current_ptr->nextCell;
            delete tmp;


calling delete will recursively call you ~Cell() and

            tmp = current_ptr;

int main(){
    Cell* a = new Cell;
    Cell* b = new Cell;
    Cell* c = new Cell;
    a->nextCell = b;
    b->nextCell = c;
    delete a;
    return 0;

It compiles, but run the program, gets segmentation fault. If there is
no list<int> vertices, it will be fine. Or if no coding in destructor
and keep list<int> vertices, it's no problem too. Any idea?

so you're destructing vertices more than once within one Cell

std::vector<int> helping detect the error

sorry, list<int>
and moreover, if use *free* other than *delete*, then /vertices/ won't
be destructed, which causes memory leak


Thanks! Does that mean I need to malloc() for each object instead of

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