Re: Best way of Allocating and Deallocating memory

 Amit_Basnak <>
Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:31:18 -0700
On Sep 17, 4:13 pm, DaveJ <> wrote:

On 17 Sep, 11:48, Amit_Basnak <> wrote:

Dear Friends

I have two structures as below
typedef struct {
long_int length;
char data[1];


typedef CI_STRUCT_DATA *ptr_CiStructData;

typedef struct {
char opener_ref_num_fmtd[26];
char our_ref_num[15];
char txn_ref_num[15];
char stop_tracer_date[27];
char tracer_trans_medium[3];
char tracer_frequency[2];
ptr_CiStructData MSG_DATA;


I have allocated memory for it as below
CI_STRUCT_MSG msg_details;
msg_details.MSG_DATA = (CI_STRUCT_DATA *)
malloc( sizeof(CI_STRUCT_DATA) +(sizeof(unsigned
char)*(strlen(ptr_msg_details) + 1)) );
        msg_details.MSG_DATA->length = strlen(ptr_msg_details);
        strcpy((char *)msg_details.MSG_DATA->data,(char *)ptr_msg_details);

Im freeing up the memory as

Please suggest me any improvements in memory allocations if any


I tend to use classes over structs for most things. But anyway, I
think new and delete are the prefered methods for memory allocation in
C++. You don't need to provide the size parameter, and new returns a
pointer to the object your creating.

I would do something like:

class CIData

         const long_int getLength() const;
         const char* getData() const;

         void setLength(long_int len);
         void setData(const char*);

       long_int m_Length;
       char[1] m_Data;


class CIMsg

        // Setters
        void setMsgData(CIData *);
        // .....

        // Getters
        // ......

       char opener_ref_num_fmtd[26];
       char our_ref_num[15];
       char txn_ref_num[15];
       char stop_tracer_date[27];
       char tracer_trans_medium[3];
       char tracer_frequency[2];
       const CIData * m_msgData;


int main(int argc, char** argv)
 const CIMsg msgDetails;
 const CIData data = new CIData();


    // do some stuff


    delete msgDetails;
    msgDetails = NULL;

 return 0;

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Thanks all

Since its mandator for us to use C style malloc
thats why I tried to allocate the memory like
CI_STRUCT_MSG msg_details;
msg_details.MSG_DATA = (CI_STRUCT_DATA *)
malloc( sizeof(CI_STRUCT_DATA) +(sizeof(unsigned
char)*(strlen(ptr_msg_details) + 1)) );
        msg_details.MSG_DATA->length = strlen(ptr_msg_details);
        strcpy((char *)msg_details.MSG_DATA->data,(char

Now for freeing it up
Is above sufficient ?

Please let me know

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