Re: How to get rid of the new-initializer in a new-expression
"Matthias Hofmann" <> writes:
template <class T> T* TrackNew( T* ptr ) { return ptr; }
#define NEW( T ) TrackNew<T>( new T )
struct X
X() {}
X( int ) {}
int main()
// Works fine.
X* p1 = NEW( X );
// Fails to compile.
X* p2 = NEW( X( 2 ) );
return 0;
The second use of the NEW macro expands to:
X* p2 = TrackNew<X( 2 )>( new X( 2 ) );
Obviously, this should be:
X* p2 = TrackNew<X>( new X( 2 ) );
Can anyone please tell me a portable way of getting rid of the
new-initializer in the new-expression?
I think so.
Remove the explicit parameter indication and let the compiler deduce
#define NEW( X ) TrackNew( new X )
I also renamed the argument; T has the misleading connotation of
"type" (for me anyway).
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[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]
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