Re: singleton
Rahul wrote:
On Mar 25, 12:49 pm, Ian Collins <> wrote:
Rahul wrote:
On Mar 25, 7:17 am, thomas <> wrote:
hi guys,
class A{
static A *getInstance(){
static A *a = new A(); //-------L1----
return a;
I use the static keyword to declare a static instance A,
I wonder if getInstance() is called multiple times, will L1 be
executed multiple times?
generally a initialization sentence of static variable will be
executed only once, but I'm not sure what will the c++ compiler expand
for L1.
make sure its thread safe too... you could consider using a mutex or
binary semaphore for the same...
For the same what? The implementation should guarantee the static
variable is initialised once only.
*Please* don't quote signatures.
for thread safety...
The object should manage its own thread safety, not the singleton.
Ian Collins.
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