Re: multithreading.

"Chris Thomasson" <>
Sun, 30 Mar 2008 20:53:06 -0700
"Chris Thomasson" <> wrote in message

"Jon Harrop" <> wrote in message


I know I can compete, and most likely beat, a traditional GC with
handcrafted implementations that C++ give me the freedom to work with.

I admire your faith but I would like to see some evidence to back up such
claims because they run contrary to common wisdom accumulated over the
few decades.

Here is a stupid contrived example:
struct object {
 object* cache_next;
 bool cached;

#define OBJ_DEPTH() 100000

static object g_obj_buf[OBJ_DEPTH()] = { NULL, true };
static object* g_obj_cache = NULL;

void object_prime() {
 for(int i = 0; i < OBJ_DEPTH(); ++i) {
   g_obj_buf[i].cache_next = g_obj_cache;
   g_obj_cache = &g_obj_buf[i];

WHOOPS! There are several STUPID TYPO's in there. Well, that's what I get
for typing this out in the newsreader! Anyway, here is the full code for the
very simplistic object cache that will compile with a C compiler:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct object_s object;

struct object_s {
  object* cache_next;
  int cached;

#define OBJ_DEPTH() 100000

static object g_obj_buf[OBJ_DEPTH()] = { { NULL } };
static object* g_obj_cache = NULL;

void object_prime(void) {
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < OBJ_DEPTH(); ++i) {
    g_obj_buf[i].cache_next = g_obj_cache;
    g_obj_buf[i].cached = 1;
    g_obj_cache = &g_obj_buf[i];

object* object_pop(void) {
  object* obj = g_obj_cache;
  if (! obj) {
    if (obj = malloc(sizeof(*obj))) {
      obj->cache_next = NULL;
      obj->cached = 0;
  } else {
    g_obj_cache = obj->cache_next;
  return obj;

void object_push(object* obj) {
  if (obj) {
    if (obj->cached) {
      obj->cache_next = g_obj_cache;
      g_obj_cache = obj;
    } else {

void foo(unsigned long int depth) {
  for (;depth > 0; --depth) {
    object* foo = object_pop();

int main(void) {

press <ENTER> to exit...");
  return 0;


Sorry about that non-sense Jon!


BTW, thank you for not flaming me too bad on this! ACK!

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