Re: Filestream problems

Hani Sharabash <>
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:20:31 CST
On Apr 17, 3:59 am, Ulrich Eckhardt <> wrote:

Hani Sharabash wrote:

#include "binarytree.h"
#include "treenode.h"
#include "datanode.h"

I read your code and I'm pretty sure the problem is in these files
somewhere. Please provide a minimal but complete example, i.e. one that
doesn't contain any unnecessary stuff but still contains everything that
one needs to reproduce the problem.


Sator Laser GmbH
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Michael W?hrmann, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932

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Here are the contents of binarytree.cpp.

#include "binarytree.h"

    root = NULL;

void BinaryTree::insert(string s)
      Treenode* newnode = new Treenode(s);
      root = recursiveInsert(root, newnode);

Treenode* BinaryTree::recursiveInsert(Treenode* subroot, Treenode*
      if (subroot == NULL)
           return newnode;
      else if (newnode->getWord() < subroot->getWord())
           subroot->left = recursiveInsert(subroot->left, newnode);
      else if (newnode->getWord() > subroot->getWord())
           subroot->right = recursiveInsert(subroot->right, newnode);
      return subroot;

void BinaryTree::walk()
      if (root == NULL)
         cout << "Empty Tree";

      cout << endl;

void BinaryTree::recursiveWalk(Treenode* subroot)
      if (subroot == NULL)
      cout << subroot->getWord() << " ";



#include "treenode.h"

using namespace std;

class Treenode;

class BinaryTree


    void insert(string s);
    Treenode* recursiveInsert(Treenode* subroot, Treenode* newnode);

    void walk();
    void recursiveWalk(Treenode* subroot);

     Treenode* root;




#include "treenode.h"

Treenode::Treenode(string s)
    data->word = s;
    data->wordCount = 1;
    left = right = NULL;

string Treenode::getWord()
    return data->word;

int Treenode::getWordCount()
     return data->wordCount;

void Treenode::increaseWordCount()


#ifndef TREENODE_H
#define TREENODE_H

#include <iostream>

#include "binarytree.h"
#include "datanode.h"

using namespace std;

class Treenode
friend class BinaryTree;

     Treenode(string s);

     string getWord();
     int getWordCount();
     void increaseWordCount();

     Datanode* data;
     Treenode *left, *right;


datanode.h (there is no datanode.cpp file):

#ifndef DATANODE_H
#define DATANODE_H

using namespace std;

class Datanode
friend class Treenode;

      string word;
      int wordCount;


Thank you so much for your help.

On Apr 17, 3:56 am, Carl Barron <> wrote:

In article

Hani Sharabash <> wrote:

I'm writing a program in which I read text from a file, store all of
the words into a binary search tree, and then print the words out to
the screen in order from that tree.

For some reason, opening and using an input filestream is causing
problems for my binary tree functions. When I try to use them
together, my program crashes at runtime. For example:

    first I would make sure where the error is in this case I would
imput the data and store it in a stanard sorted assoc. container
say std::set<std::string> and print the results from
std::set<std::string> before I blame <fstream> probably there is
a bug in your binary tree code. But if reading it into an
std::set<string> works then its not <fstream>.

I don't understand. Could you clarify a little more?

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