Re: guys what is wrong here pointer question

From: (Pascal J. Bourguignon)
Tue, 22 Apr 2008 14:05:11 +0200
Ben Bacarisse <> writes:

puzzlecracker <> writes:

int a[3][9];

void f(int** x)
   //do something with a

You have a type miss-match. 'a' is an array (of length 3) whose
elements are arrays of 9 ints. 'f' must be passed a pointer to a
pointer to int. There is no implicit conversion that allows 'a' to be
passed to 'f'.

The parameter could be declared like this:

  void f(int x[][9]);

or alternatively,

  void f(int (*x)[9]);

The reasons are messy. In most contexts, expressions of type "array
of T" are converted to "pointer to T" (so void f(int *x) is correct
when passing an array of ints) but this conversion applies only to the
outer array type. The 'a' in 'f(a)' is therefore converted to a value
of type "pointer to array of 9 int" and not "pointer to pointer to

Alternatively, you could write:

void f(int** x)
    // do something with x
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<9;j++){

int main(void)
    int* a[3];
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        a[i]=new int[9];
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){

That is, int** is a pointer to a pointer to an integer, which, with
the weak typing of C/C++ is the same as a pointer to a C array of
pointers to C arrays of ints. (A pointer to a C array being a pointer
to the first element of that C array).

__Pascal Bourguignon__

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