Re: Automatic and Dynamic Storage
On May 14, 8:09 pm, V <> wrote:
class B {
B() {
std::cout << "B()\n";
throw std::invalid_argument("...");
~B() {
std::cout << "~B()\n";
A a;
int main() {
try {
B *ptr = new B();
catch (...) {
// ...
(nota that the B's constructor throws an exception).
Now, since C++ destroys only fully constructed objects, ptr's
destructor will not be called. Nevertheless, I know that B::a's
destructor will be called (Am I wrong?)... Will be "automatically"
called... From which I wrongly concluded that B::a has an "automatic
storage duration"...
You are right in that B::a destructor will be called, and that's
exactly because B::a is fully constructed by the time control
reaches your throw statement, because a compiler transforms the
constructor more or less as follows:
// not valid C++
B::B() { ... } -> B::B() : a() { ... } ->
B::B() {
try {
catch ( ... ) {
And then symmetric transformation is applied to the B's destructor.
The more appropriate word would be "implicitly" (instead of
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