Re: Heap overflow/corruption problem in an arbitrary precision class

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 12:20:51 -0400
Martin the Third wrote:

On Jun 12, 6:11 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

Martin the Third wrote:

Hi, I need some help!

I'm writing an infinite-precision floating point library called
ipfloat (I know infinite is a misnomer - but arbitrary was taken). A
quick overview: I'm storing numbers as a char* mantissa, an int
exponent and a sign. For example, the number "123.45" would have a
mantissa of 12345, an exponent of 2, and a sign of +. I'm essentially
storing it as "1.2345x10^2".

The mantissa is allocated dynamically at runtime to allow arbitrary
precision in my numbers. I'm having trouble with heap overflows; let
me explain in more detail:


Thank you! I'll gladly post code if it will help.

Since my crystal ball is in repair, code would be highly appreciated.

Short of that, consider using std::vector< char > instead of char*. Very
likely, your problems stem from mistakes in pointer handling (allocation,
deallocation, _and_ reallocation).


Kai-Uwe Bux

Here are the relevant functions. Keep in mind that I stopped my +
function halfway through, so it doesn't actually add yet. (I have
older versions that do...)

Ok. Here are some comments on the code. Since you did not post a complete
example, I test whether they address the problem you are experiencing.

ipfloat::ipfloat(char* ch)
    int len = strlen(ch);
    int i = 0, j = 0; //i keeps place in ch, j keeps
place in man
    sign = (ch[0]=='-')?'-':'+'; //assign the sign
    int startZeros = 0, trailZeros = 0, manLen, decPos, decOffset;
    while(ch[i]!='\0' && ch[i]!='.') //loop until we find the decimal,
whether explicitly typed or not
    decPos = i;
    while(ch[i]=='0' || ch[i]=='.') //count number of 0's at the
beginning of the number
        startZeros++; //this now contains 1 more than sz
if theres a dec
    while(ch[len-1-i]=='0') //count the number of trailing 0's
    manLen = len - startZeros - trailZeros - 1;
    man = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(manLen+1));
    for(i=startZeros; i<(startZeros+manLen+1); i++, j++) //copy
correct data from ch to man
            man[j] = ch[i];
    man[j] = '\0';
    decOffset = (startZeros>=decPos)?0:1; //combine this with
statement below? remove variable?
    exp = decPos - startZeros - decOffset;
ipfloat::ipfloat(const ipfloat &rhs){

Within a copy-constructor, this test can never yield true (unless you
explicitly invoke the copy constructor with placement new re-constructing
an element from itself, which might formally be undefined behavior anyway).


It looks as though setMan frees the pointer member man, which is not yet
initialized in this constructor. You might be freeing memory that you don't
own. Try:

  setMan( rhs.getMan() );

or put "man()" in the initializer list.

You might want to run your program in valgrind to find where you use
un-initialized variables.

ipfloat::ipfloat(int size, char sgn)
man = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
sign = sgn;
inline const char* const ipfloat::getMan() const{return man;}
inline const int ipfloat::getExp() const{return exp;}
inline const char ipfloat::getSign() const{return sign;}
inline void ipfloat::setManSize(int size)
    man = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(size));

sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1 by the standard.

inline void ipfloat::setManChar(int pos, char ch)
    man[pos] = ch;
inline void ipfloat::setMan(const char* const ch){
    man = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(ch)+1));
    strcpy(man, ch);
inline void ipfloat::setExp(int e){
    exp = e;
inline void ipfloat::setSign(char ch){
    sign = ch;
ipfloat &ipfloat::operator =(const ipfloat &rhs){
    return *this;
ipfloat ipfloat::operator +(const ipfloat &rhs)
    int ctr, c, d;
    int thisBefore, thisAfter, rhsBefore, rhsAfter, resLen;
    thisBefore = (getExp()>=0) ? getExp() + 1 : 1;
    thisAfter = (strlen(getMan())<=getExp()) ? abs((int)
(strlen(getMan()) + getExp() - thisBefore)) : strlen(getMan()) -
getExp() - 1;
    rhsBefore = (rhs.getExp()>=0) ? rhs.getExp() + 1 : 1;
    rhsAfter = (strlen(rhs.getMan())<=rhs.getExp()) ? abs((int)
(strlen(rhs.getMan()) + rhs.getExp() - thisBefore)) :
strlen(rhs.getMan()) - rhs.getExp() - 1;
    resLen = ((thisBefore>=rhsBefore)?thisBefore:rhsBefore)+
    ipfloat result(resLen + 1, rhs.getSign());
result.setManChar(resLen, '\0');
    for(int i=0; i<resLen; i++)
        for(ctr = 0; ctr<(thisBefore-rhsBefore); ctr++)
            result.setManChar(ctr, getMan()[ctr]);
        for(ctr = 0; ctr<(rhsBefore-thisBefore); ctr++)
            result.setManChar(ctr, rhs.getMan()[ctr]);
        c=((thisBefore>=rhsBefore)?thisBefore:rhsBefore) + rhsAfter; //
tracks result
rhsAfter); //tracks this
            result.setManChar(c, getMan()[d]);
        c=((rhsBefore>=thisBefore)?rhsBefore:thisBefore) +
thisAfter; //tracks result
thisAfter); //tracks this
            result.setManChar(c, rhs.getMan()[d]);
return result;


Hope this helps

Kai-Uwe Bux

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