alternative for virtual template function?

Markus Dehmann <>
Tue, 22 Jul 2008 22:48:08 -0700 (PDT)
I have an abstract base class which contains a function that I would
like to template, but virtual template functions are illegal. I put a
mini code example below, which doesn't do anything great, but reflects
the structure of my problem.

In a nutshell, the abstr. base class VectorCreator has a function
createVector whose return type is unfortunately fixed to
vector<double>. Only now I discovered that some implementations would
like to work with other types, such as vector<int>. I could just
template the VectorCreator class, but the problem is that pointers to
VectorCreator are passed around in the whole project, so templating it
would require too many changes. It's okay to change the createVector
function, but not the whole VectorCreator class (by introducing a
class-scope template). Here is the example code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

// ABC
class VectorCreator {
  virtual ~VectorCreator() {}
  virtual std::vector<double>* createVector() = 0; // it's illegal to
template the function :(

// concrete implementation example
class VectorCreator1 : public VectorCreator {
  typedef std::vector<double> T;
  VectorCreator1() {}
  ~VectorCreator1() {}
  T* createVector() {
    T* type = new T();
    return type;

// like foo here, there are many fct's and classes that are called or
// initialized with VectorCreator*, so VectorCreator cannot be
// templated (would require changing hundreds of source files)
void foo(VectorCreator* sc){
  std::vector<double>* myvector = sc->createVector();
  std::cout << (*myvector)[0] << std::endl;
  delete myvector;

int main(double argc, char** argv){
  VectorCreator* sc = new VectorCreator1();
  delete sc;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I think I found an acceptable solution (see below), but I was
wondering if anyone has a better idea how to deal with this problem. I
heard that the Visitor pattern might help in situations where one
would like virtual templates, but I don't know how.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

// ABC
class VectorCreator {
  virtual ~VectorCreator() {}
  virtual void createVector(std::vector<double>*&) = 0;
  virtual void createVector(std::vector<int>*&) = 0;

// concrete class example
class DoubleVectorCreator : public VectorCreator {
  DoubleVectorCreator() {}
  ~DoubleVectorCreator() {}
  void createVector(std::vector<double>*& x) {
    x = new std::vector<double>();
  void createVector(std::vector<int>*& x) {
    std::cerr << "unimplemented";

class IntVectorCreator : public VectorCreator {
  IntVectorCreator() {}
  ~IntVectorCreator() {}
  void createVector(std::vector<int>*& x) {
    x = new std::vector<int>();
  void createVector(std::vector<double>*& x) {
    std::cerr << "unimplemented";

void foo(VectorCreator* sc){
  // specialized behaviors
    std::vector<double>* myvector;
    std::cout << (*myvector)[0] << std::endl;
    delete myvector;
  else if(dynamic_cast<IntVectorCreator*>(sc)){
    std::vector<int>* myvector;
    std::cout << (*myvector)[0] << std::endl;
    delete myvector;

int main(double argc, char** argv){
  VectorCreator* sc = new DoubleVectorCreator();
  delete sc;

  VectorCreator* sc2 = new IntVectorCreator();
  delete sc2;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


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