Re: Convert Derived** to Base**

Tue, 5 Aug 2008 14:40:45 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 5, 5:36 pm, Victor Bazarov <> wrote: wrote:

class A {};
class B : public A{};

void f (A* a[]) {}

int main() {
  B* b[2];
  b[0] = new B();
  b[1] = new B();

  return 0;

Compiler says it cannot convert B** into A**. What am I doing wrong?

Nothing. There is no conversion between those. Classes are related.
You are hence allowed to convert between pointers to those classes. Bu=


pointers to those classes are not related, so conversion between
pointers to pointer to those classes does not exist.

What are you trying to accomplish? What does your _real_ 'f' do with
the pointers?

Please remove capital 'A's when replying by e-mail
I do not respond to top-posted replies, please don't ask

I want to perform an action on each element of array, polymorphically
(e.g. call virtual function, that was declared in class A). Should I
just use vector<A*> instead?

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