Re: Code getting Crashed( C++)

Pallav singh <>
Thu, 7 Aug 2008 04:44:40 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 7, 4:00 pm, Erik Wikstr=F6m <> wrote:

On 2008-08-07 11:39, Pallav singh wrote:


Drop the .h, it is pre-standard C++ (10 years old).

// Abstract Builder
class PizzaBuilder
 protected :
     std::auto_ptr<Pizza> pizza;

 public :
  virtual ~PizzaBuilder(){}

  std::auto_ptr<Pizza> GetPizza(){return pizza;}

         virtual void BuildTopping() = 0;
         virtual void BuildSauce() = 0;
         virtual void BuildDough() = 0;

  std::auto_ptr<Pizza> CreateNew_PizzaProduct()
      { pizza.reset(new Pizza()); }

Actually I'm surprised your code crashes, because it should not even
compile. In the above function you forgot to return a value. It might be
possible (though it should not happen) that your compiler returns some
default value which is somehow converted to std::auto_ptr<Pizza> which
causes a crash when CreateNew_PizzaProduct is called in ConstructPizza.

Erik Wikstr=F6m


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