Specs for shared_ptr; compatibility between classic pointers and shared_ptr

Fokko Beekhof <Fokko.Beekhof@cui.unige.ch>
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 09:28:44 CST

recently, I posted a question about a difference in behaviour between
regular pointers and shared_ptrs on comp.lang.c++ . Maybe the outcome of
the conversation is relevant to someone here, so posting a summary here.

The following code works:
struct BaseA
    int x;

struct BaseB
    double x;

struct DerivA : public BaseA
    int y;

struct DerivB : public BaseB
    double y;

struct S
    S(BaseA * pa_) : pa(pa_), pb(0) {}
    S(BaseB * pb_) : pa(0), pb(pb_) {}

    BaseA * pa;
    BaseB * pb;

int main()
    S s(new DerivA()); // works fine
    delete s.pa;

    return 0;

When we replace classical pointers with shared_ptrs, it does not work

#include <tr1/memory>

struct BaseA
    int x;

struct BaseB
    double x;

struct DerivA : public BaseA
    int y;

struct DerivB : public BaseB
    double y;

struct S
    S(std::tr1::shared_ptr<BaseA> pa_) : pa(pa_) {}
    S(std::tr1::shared_ptr<BaseB> pb_) : pb(pb_) {}

    std::tr1::shared_ptr<BaseA> pa;
    std::tr1::shared_ptr<BaseB> pb;

int main()
// S s(std::tr1::shared_ptr<BaseA>(new DerivA()) ); // works
// S s( new DerivA() ); // Doesn't work, SP constructor is explicit
    S s(std::tr1::shared_ptr<DerivA>(new DerivA()) ); // breaks

    return 0;

Essentially, it breaks because the polymorphism works in function
arguments, but not in template arguments. Shared_ptrs here function
according to the specs of tr1, and the code does not compile.

Kai-Uwe Bux commented the following:
--------------- Begin Quote ----------------

Could anyone comment on this ? Should option #3 with shared_ptr<DerivA>

work or not ?

According to the technical report TR1, it should not work.

Conceptually, I believe so. I can understand that the platform could
have some trouble with it, if it doesn't recognize that the template
parameter DerivA in shared_ptr<DerivA> is derived of BaseA.

You have a point, but it would require changing the specs of shared_ptr.

To simplify the exposition, let us consider the following class:

template < typename T >
struct pointer_to {

  T * the_ptr;

  pointer_to ( T * ptr )
    : the_ptr ( ptr )

  T & operator* ( void ) const {
    return ( *the_ptr );

  T * operator-> ( void ) const {
    return ( the_ptr );

  template < typename D >
  pointer_to ( pointer_to<D> const & d_pointer )
    : the_ptr ( d_pointer.the_ptr )


There is a conversion operator that allows to copy construct a pointer_to<T>
from a pointer to any derived class. Attempts to copy construct from
non-derived classes will fail when the compiler encounters the body of the
conversion operator. With this setup, the following will be ambiguous:

struct X {};
struct XD : public X {};
struct Y {};
struct YD : public Y {};

void f ( pointer_to<X> xp ) {}
void f ( pointer_to<Y> yp ) {}

int main ( void ) {
  pointer_to<YD> ydp ( new YD );
  f( ydp );

The reason is that the compiler sees two possible conversions and it is not
supposed to check whether only one of them can be compiled cleanly.

Now, there is a way to guide the compiler in these issues. But it requires
some serious scaffolding:

  struct yes_type { char dummy; };
  struct no_type { yes_type a; yes_type b; };

  template < typename From, typename To >
  class is_convertible {

    From* dummy ( void );

    yes_type check ( To );

    no_type check ( ... );


    static bool const value =
      sizeof( check( *dummy() ) ) == sizeof( yes_type );

  }; // is_convertible

  template < bool b, typename T >
  struct enable_if;

  template < typename T >
  struct enable_if<true,T> { typedef T type; };

template < typename T >
struct pointer_to {

  T * the_ptr;

  pointer_to ( T * ptr )
    : the_ptr ( ptr )

  T & operator* ( void ) const {
    return ( *the_ptr );

  T * operator-> ( void ) const {
    return ( the_ptr );

  template < typename D >
  pointer_to ( pointer_to<D> const & d_pointer,
               typename enable_if< is_convertible<D*,T*>::value, void*


                 p = 0 )
    : the_ptr ( d_pointer.the_ptr )


With this setup, the above snippet will compile cleanly since the signature
of the conversion operator is enough to tell the compiler that there is
only one possible conversion.

--------------- End Quote ----------------

So, it would appear that:
- there is a conceptual difference between pointer and shared_ptr
- this difference can be removed with the proposed solution, allowing
greater compatibility and usability of shared_ptr
- but that would require changing the specs of shared_ptr.

Rumor has is that part of the discussion on standadization is now taking
place here, so at least I would like to bring the matter to attention -
although I have no idea whose attention :-)

Best regards,
F. Beekhof

      [ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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