Bug with UNICODE and std::vector?

"Bas" <geenspam@danku.nl>
Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:35:44 +0200
Hello all,
Im not sure, but I get some pretty strange results here.
When I run this program debug compiled but NOT in debug mode, or release
I get an exception, sometimes immediately, sometimes after some time.
If I run in debug mode, everything runs fine.
I THINK it has something to do with reallocating of the vector if its
capacity is too small.
If I replace all UNICODE stuff with "normal" characters, I don't have any
anyone the same experience? Or am I doing something wrong?

Bas from Holland

excerpt from memory.h:
 void deallocate(pointer _Ptr, size_type)
  { // deallocate object at _Ptr, ignore size
  ::operator delete(_Ptr); <---- here I get an

the program:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

class Basis {
    Basis* pLeft; // I dont use, these pointers were also in the original
program where I got this exception.
    Basis* pRight;

class Test1 : public Basis {
    wchar_t cChar;

    Test1(wchar_t c = L'\0') : cChar(c) {}

int main(int argc, char* charv[])
    std::vector<Basis*> vec;

    char buf[150];
    std::string str;
    std::wstring wstr;

    do {

        std::cout << "\nEnter: ";

// I use this to convert the "normal" string in a UNICODE string
        size_t iConverted;
        int strLengte = str.length();
        wchar_t* pBuf = new wchar_t(strLengte +2);
        memset(pBuf,0,strLengte + 3 );
        wstr= std::wstring(pBuf);

        for (std::string::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); it++)
            vec.push_back(new Test1(*it));

        for (std::vector<Basis*>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it !=
vec.end(); it++)
            std::cout << (char)((Test1*)(*it))->cChar;

        std::cout << "\n";
    } while (wstr != L"stop");
    return 0;

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