Re: throwing dtors...
"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid> wrote in message
Is it every appropriate to throw in a dtor? I am thinking about a simple
example of a wrapper around a POSIX file...
How to properly handle `EAGAIN' in dtor? Well, what about any error for
that matter? I am a C programmer and only code C++ for fun, and some
in-house projects. If I were really going to create C++ application and
release it into the wild, well, how would you advise me to handle the case
above? I am interested in how throwing in a dtor effects dynamic
destruction... Would something like the following be legal?
<pseudo code!!!!>
struct throw_from_dtor {
int const m_status;
throw_from_dtor(int const status)
m_status(status) {}
int get_status() const { return m_status; }
class file {
FILE* m_handle;
// [ctor];
~file() {
int const status = fclose(m_handle);
if (status) {
throw throw_from_dtor(status);
// ummmm! well, stupid me forgot to store `errno' into the
throw throw_from_dtor(errno);
// sorry about the non-sense! ;^(...
int main() {
file* f = new file();
try {
delete f;
} catch(throw_from_dtor const& e) {
// handle error from `e.get_status()'
delete f;
return 0;
or what about using smart pointer...
int main() {
std::auto_ptr<file> f;
try {
f.reset(new file());
} catch(throw_from_dtor const& e) {
// handle error from `e.get_status()'
Please keep in mind that refusing to not handle an error from `fclose'
could resule is HORRIBLE things down the road... Think massive data
lost... Perhaps __permanent__ data-! OUCH!!!