This HAS to be UB...
Keep in mind that I am a C programmer; well, anyway here is the C++
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <new>
struct custom_allocator {
static void* allocate(std::size_t size)
throw(std::bad_alloc()) {
void* const mem = ::operator new(size);
std::printf("custom_allocator::allocate(%p, %lu)\n",
(void*)mem, (unsigned long)size);
return mem;
static void deallocate(void* const mem, std::size_t size)
throw() {
std::printf("custom_allocator::deallocate(%p, %lu)\n",
(void*)mem, (unsigned long)size);
::operator delete(mem);
template<typename T>
struct allocator_base {
static void* operator new(std::size_t size)
throw(std::bad_alloc()) {
return custom_allocator::allocate(size);
static void* operator new[](std::size_t size)
throw(std::bad_alloc()) {
return custom_allocator::allocate(size);
static void operator delete(void* mem)
throw() {
if (mem) {
custom_allocator::deallocate(mem, sizeof(T));
static void operator delete [](void* mem, std::size_t size)
throw() {
if (mem) {
custom_allocator::deallocate(mem, size);
template<std::size_t T_size>
class buf {
char mem[T_size];
class buf2 : public buf<1234>, public allocator_base<buf2> {
char mem2[1000];
int main() {
buf2* b = new buf2;
delete b;
b = new buf2[5];
delete [] b;
return 0;
On GCC I get the following output:
custom_allocator::allocate(00246C50, 2234)
custom_allocator::deallocate(00246C50, 2234)
custom_allocator::allocate(00247760, 11174)
custom_allocator::deallocate(00247760, 11174)
On MSVC 8 I get:
custom_allocator::allocate(00362850, 2234)
custom_allocator::deallocate(00362850, 2234)
custom_allocator::allocate(00366B68, 11170)
custom_allocator::deallocate(00366B68, 2234)
Are they both right due to UB? WTF is going on? GCC seems to be accurate at
least... DAMN!
thank you all for your time.