Re: Templated array of templates specialized by array index

Sat, 11 Oct 2008 20:03:29 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 11, 4:41 pm, wrote:

On Oct 11, 3:20 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote: wrote:

template <int I>
class Item
int X() { /*do default */ }

template <>
class Item<0>
int X() { /* do something special */ }

template <int N>
class Array
// The following obviously won't work
// How do I push this type of initialization to compile time???
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
data[i] = Item<i>();

Item data[N];

int main()
Array<5> items;
/* do stuff with items */
return 0;

Based on your code:

template <int I>
struct Item {

  void put ( int* where ) {
    Item<I-1>::put( where );
    where[I] = Item<I>::X();

  int X() {
    return ( Item<I-1>::X() + Item<I-2>::X() );


template <>
struct Item<0> {

  void put ( int* where ) {
    where[0] = Item<0>::X();

  int X() {
    return ( 1 );


template <>
struct Item<1> {

  void put ( int* where ) {
    where[0] = Item<0>::X();
    where[1] = Item<1>::X();

  int X() {
    return ( 1 );


template < int N >
struct Array {

  Array() {
    Item<N-1>::put( data );

  int data[N];


#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
    Array<5> items;
               std::ostream_iterator<int>( std::cout, "=

\n" ) );

    /* do stuff with items */
    return 0;


Note, however, that the computation is not really done at compile time =


the static functions are executed at runtime. The following fixes at le=



template <int I>
struct Item {

  void put ( int* where ) {
    Item<I-1>::put( where );
    where[I] = Item<I>::value;

  static int const value =
    Item<I-1>::value + Item<I-2>::value;


template <>
struct Item<0> {

  void put ( int* where ) {
    where[0] = Item<0>::value;

  static int const value = 1;


template <>
struct Item<1> {

  void put ( int* where ) {
    where[0] = Item<0>::value;
    where[1] = Item<1>::value;

  static int const value = 1;


template < int N >
struct Array {

  Array() {
    Item<N-1>::put( data );

  int data[N];


#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
    Array<5> items;
               std::ostream_iterator<int>( std::cout, "=

\n" ) );

    /* do stuff with items */
    return 0;


The array itself is populated at runtime in the constructor of Array. I
don't see a way to push that into compile time.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Alright, so I'm getting a little closer and now I've at least got code
that compiles

struct Bar
    int X() { return -1; }


template <int I>
struct Foo : Bar {};

template <>
struct Foo<0>
    int X() { return 0; }


template <int N>
class Array
    Bar data[N];


int main()
    // Now I need to figure out how doing this ...
    Array<3> array1;

    // ... can essentially result in this
    Bar array2[3] = {Foo<0>(), Foo<1>(), Foo<2>()};


So after more experimentation and testing I've got this working and
the solution is pretty straight forward

struct Bar
    virtual int X() { return -1; }

template <int I>
struct Foo : Bar
     virtual int X() { return I; }

template <>
struct Foo<0> : Bar
    virtual int X() { return 50; }

template <int N>
class Array
    Array() { Init(m_data); }

    Bar* operator[] (int i) { return m_data[i]; }

    friend class Array<N+1>;

    // Recursively initialize our array
    static void Init(Bar** data)
        data[N] = new Foo<N>();

    Bar* m_data[N+1];

template <>
class Array<0>
    friend class Array<1>;

    // Stop the recursion
    static void Init(Bar** data)
        data[0] = new Foo<0>();

int main()
    Array<3> array;
    for (int i=0; i <= 3; i++)
        printf("value: %d\n", array[i]->X());

value: 50
value: 1
value: 2
value: 3

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