A Sample auto_ptr implementation

Ankur Arora <ankurarora81@gmail.com>
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 04:58:59 -0700 (PDT)
Hi All,

I'm building a sample application that uses a custom auto_ptr
The program crashes with the following output:-

Output (Debug Assertion failed)

         release called
         copy constructor
         aap: ptr2= 10
         aap: ptr3= 20
         aap: ptr3= 10
         aap: exiting app
         Deleting pointee...10
         Deleting pointee...-572662307 (...problem ?)



using namespace std;

// MyAutoPtr Interface
template <class T>
class MyAutoPtr

        explicit MyAutoPtr(T* ptr=0);


        template <class U>
        MyAutoPtr(MyAutoPtr<U> *rhs);

        //copy constructor member template, initialize this member pointer
with any other compatible auto_ptr
        template <class U>
        MyAutoPtr(MyAutoPtr<U>& rhs);

        //assignment operator
        template <class U>
        MyAutoPtr<T>& operator=(MyAutoPtr<U>& rhs);

        //relinquish ownership
        T* release();

        T* get() const;

        //reset the auto_ptr, delete pointee, assume ownership of p
        void reset(T* ptr=0);

        T& operator*() const;
        T* operator->() const;


        T* pointee;
        //template <class U>
        //friend class MyAutoPtr<U>;


template<typename T>
inline MyAutoPtr<T>::MyAutoPtr(T* ptr):pointee(ptr)
{ }

template <class T>
inline MyAutoPtr<T>::~MyAutoPtr()
        cout<<"\n\t Deleting pointee..."<<*pointee;
        delete pointee;

template <class T>
template <class U>
inline MyAutoPtr<T>::MyAutoPtr(MyAutoPtr<U>& rhs) :
    cout<<"\n\t copy constructor";

template<class T>
template<class U>
MyAutoPtr<T>& MyAutoPtr<T>::operator=(MyAutoPtr<U>& rhs)
    cout<<"\n\t Inside operator=";
        cout<<"\n\t Inside operator=, calling reset";
    return *this;

template <class T>
T* MyAutoPtr<T>::get() const
    return pointee;

template <class T>
inline T& MyAutoPtr<T>::operator *() const
    return *pointee;

template<class T>
inline T* MyAutoPtr<T>::operator->() const
{ return pointee; }

template<class T>
T* MyAutoPtr<T>::release()
    cout<<"\n\t release called";
    T* oldp=pointee;

    return oldp;

template<class T>
void MyAutoPtr<T>::reset(T* p)
    cout<<"\n\t reset called";
        delete pointee;


void main()
    MyAutoPtr<int> intp(new int(10));
    MyAutoPtr<int> intp2(intp);
    MyAutoPtr<int> intp3(new int(20));

    //cout<<"ptr1= "<<*intp;
    cout<<"\n\t aap: ptr2= "<<*intp2;
    cout<<"\n\t aap: ptr3= "<<*intp3;

    intp3 = intp2; //
==============================> 1

    cout<<"\n\t aap: ptr3= "<<*intp3;

    cout<<"\n\t aap: exiting app";

It seems, on debugging, that class's custom operator= is somehow not
been called at 1 and hence a problem while destructing. (since delete
is being called twice on the same pointer)

Q1. Any problems with the above code ?
Q2. What is causing operator= not to be called and how to fix it ?
Q3. Following statements (in the class interface) cause compiler
errors, if not commented out

        T* pointee;
        //template <class U>
        //friend class MyAutoPtr<U>;

        MSDN defines this error as:-

Compiler Error C3772
Error Message
"name" : invalid friend template declaration

It is invalid to declare a friend of a class template specialization.
You cannot declare an explicit or partial specialization of a class
template and in the same statement declare a friend of that
specialization. The name placeholder identifies the invalid
To correct this error
-Do not declare a friend of a class template specialization.
-If appropriate for your application, declare a friend of the class
template, or declare a friend of a particular partial or explicit

Why such error, if this is not a specialization? or is it a
specialization somehow?

Any help will be highly appreciated!


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