Re: Why user-defined delete not called

Pawel Dziepak <>
Sat, 1 Nov 2008 20:13:22 CST
vl106 wrote:

Although delete operator is defined in class C it is only called
for pointer types. That is "delete pC" works fine. It does not
work for aC ("delete aC"). But aC.operator delete(aC) also
works fine.

Yes I know delete is for dynamically allocated objects only. So
don't wonder about my intention.

So what is causing C++ not to call C::delete in this case?

#include <iostream>

class C {
  void operator delete(void*);
  operator void*() { return 0; }

void C::operator delete(void*) {
  std::cout << "C::delete" << std::endl;

int main() {
  C aC;
  delete aC; // 1) C::operator void*
                     // 2) calls stdlib delete - not C::delete

  aC.operator delete(aC);

  C* pC = &aC;
  delete pC; // 1) C::operator delete

  return 0;

The answer to your question is in
If delete operator is called with class type as operand, operand is
converted to a pointer. Then delete operator is used with that pointer.
C class can only be converted to void*, so delete is called with pointer
to void. That's why C::operator delete is not called in that case.

You can check this either by adding conversion from C to C* or by
overloading general delete operator. If C class can be converted to both
void* and C* (or any other pointer), code won't compile, because it's
ambiguous (compiler doesn't know whether convert delete operand to C* or
to void*).

Pawel Dziepak

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