Re: How to make this exception-safe
On 19 Nov, 21:24, peter koch larsen <>
On 18 Nov., 19:43, Triple-DES <> wrote:
Consider the following code:
#include <vector>
struct C {
explicit C(int) {} // may throw
C(const C&);
C& operator=(const C&);
struct V {
V() {
// may leak if push_back or C::C(int) throws
v_.push_back( new C(2) );
v_.push_back( new C(1) );
v_.push_back( new C(3) );
I don't see how this might leak. Can you explain why you believe it
I am sure it does:
in V::V()
v_.push_back( new C(2) ); // ok
v_.push_back( new C(1) ); // ok
v_.push_back( new C(3) ); // C::C() threw exception!
} // we have lost all pointers to the two C objects. (V vas never
constructed, so the v_ member can't be referenced).
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