Re: Better way of allocating a memory( auto_ptr vs new vs malloc)

From: (blargg)
Sat, 06 Dec 2008 16:36:50 -0600
Ami wrote:

I have few qustions
Consider the allocation SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA p_str_lc_details
SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA() in above would do default initialization right
then I can safely avoid the use of C style memset..
and then nevere have to de allocate the same.

As far as auto_ptr is concrned , do I again need to initialize to
SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA () as shown below
auto_ptr<SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA>p_str_lc_details = (new SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA
()) ;
another major concerned abt using auto_ptr is

after the memory allocation is done tht is lets say
int main ()

auto_ptr<SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA>p_str_lc_details = (new SYS_LC_DETAILS_CDA
()) ;
(),pStrLcDetails); //
return ( EXIT_SUCESS);

  // some code

do u see any problem with uisng an auto pointer like above i.e passing
as an argument in a function call .
Is there any memory Leak ?
I think the auto of auto ptr is the best way ..
Also in the code the malloc is done like
  SYS_GUARANTORS_CDA *p_str_guarantors = (SYS_GUARANTORS_CDA *)malloc
so using new for above is like
 SYS_GUARANTORS_CDA *p_str_guarantors = (SYS_GUARANTORS_CDA *)new char
is the above correct way i.e using an array


My god that is so hard to read. Look at the difference a couple of
find-and-replaces and some indention do:

I have few qustions
Consider the allocation

  T p(T());

T() in above would do default initialization right
then I can safely avoid the use of C style memset..
and then nevere have to de allocate the same.

As far as auto_ptr is concrned , do I again need to initialize to
T () as shown below

  auto_ptr<T>p = (new T()) ;

another major concerned abt using auto_ptr is

after the memory allocation is done tht is lets say

  int main ()
      auto_ptr<T>p = (new T()) ;
      func(p.get()); //
      return ( EXIT_SUCESS);
  void func(T *output)
    // some code

do u see any problem with uisng an auto pointer like above i.e passing
as an argument in a function call .
Is there any memory Leak ?
I think the auto of auto ptr is the best way ..
Also in the code the malloc is done like

  T *p = (T *)malloc (sizeof(T)*(n+1));

so using new for above is like

  T *p = (T *)new char [sizeof(T)*(n+1)];

is the above correct way i.e using an array

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