Re: Returning an array -- help needed

Abhayks <>
Fri, 12 Dec 2008 18:57:38 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 13, 10:13 am, Sam <> wrote:

Abhayks writes:

I am retuning to "C" after a long time and my basics are shatterred.
Not sure where I am making the mistake.
Please help.


void foo( char ** ptr)
  int i;
   *ptr = malloc(255); // allocate some memory
   // strcpy( *ptr, "Hello World");
   for( i=0; i<5; i++)





int main()
    char *ptr = 0;
    // call function with a pointer to pointer
    foo(&ptr );
    printf("%s\n", ptr);
    // free up the memory
    return 0;

Please advise why this is not working?

1) Operator precedence. [] carries higher precedence than the unary *

2) The string must be zero-terminated. malloc does not clear allocated

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God! how can I miss it.
I think 2 years of separation did the trick.
Thanks mate.
You really are a life saver.

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