Re: C++0x: unique_ptr and std::move

SG <>
Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:16:29 -0800 (PST)
On 28 Jan., 10:35, Micha=B3 'Khorne' Rzechonek <>


I wanted o understand how rvalue references work, so I took GCC 4.3
with -std=c++0x flag and wrote code below.


#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

Don't you need <utility> as well for std::move?

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::move;

template<typename T>
class unique_ptr {
    explicit unique_ptr(T *&&a_ptr): m_ptr(a_ptr) {
        a_ptr = NULL;

That's unusual. But ok considering current rules. However, the
semantics of "&&" may change, see:

I would use

   explicit unique_ptr(T * a_ptr): m_ptr(a_ptr) {}


    unique_ptr(unique_ptr &&p): m_ptr(p.release()) {
        cout << "Move" << endl;

    T *release() {
        T *ptr = m_ptr;
        m_ptr = NULL;
        return ptr;

    T *get() {
        return m_ptr;

    T *operator->() {
        return m_ptr;

The above two functions (get, operator->) should be const. Is there no
overload for operator* ?

    ~unique_ptr() {
        if(m_ptr != NULL) {
            delete m_ptr;

You don't need to check for null pointers here.

    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr &);
    void operator=(const unique_ptr &);
    void operator=(unique_ptr &&p);

You don't need an extra && overload here for operator=.

    T *m_ptr;


struct Foo



unique_ptr<Foo> source(int a = 0) {
    return move(unique_ptr<Foo>(new Foo(a)));

void sink(unique_ptr<Foo> a_foo) {
    cout << a_foo->a << endl;


int main() {
    unique_ptr<Foo> foo( source(1) );
    unique_ptr<Foo> bar = move(foo);
    assert(foo.get() == NULL); // ok

    unique_ptr<Foo> qux( source(2) );
    sink( move(qux) );
    assert(qux.get() == NULL); // ??



What I don't understand is why 2nd assertion fails and move ctor is
not called. Please enlighten me :)

It fails? That's odd. I can't test it myself right now, unfortunately.
I guess it's either a compiler bug or we overlooked something.

Side question: does source() function look all right?

Yes. You don't need the extra move(), though. You only need move() if
you want to return a function's parameter or some other lvalue
reference as rvalue. Local variables (not including call-by-value
parameters) are automatically treated as rvalues in a return


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