Re: Proper use of code

joshturner1967 <>
Wed, 4 Feb 2009 00:40:52 CST
On Feb 3, 1:10 am, joshturner1967 <> wrote:

I have the following c++ code

char **filename is passed and is allocated in the calling function as
char *filename = malloc(1000);

int randominteger;
char *zptr;
char qfilename[500];
char randomintegerchar[500];
char *mimetype;
char *tptr;
char *cfilepath;

mimetype = part->getMimeType(); //Get the file type
tptr = strrchr(mimetype, '/'); //Strip off the extra values from the
getmimetype call
strcpy(qfilename, "BaseTempFile"); //Start building the temp
randominteger = rand(); ///Get a random number
sprintf(randomintegerchar, "%d.", randominteger); //Turn the number
into a string

//Build the filename
strcat(qfilename, randomintegerchar); //Add the random number to make
the filename to make it unique
strcat(qfilename, tptr+1);
zptr = qfilename;
strcpy(*filename, zptr); //passed back to update the import name

strcat(cfilepath, *filename);
part->getContentToClientFile(cfilepath,1); //Puts the file out in the
zptr = NULL;

This works just fine for me in release and debug mode but my user gets
a gpf as soon as he enters into the function.

Am I doing something incorrect? Not allocating something that should
be allocated? Any ideas?

Thanks Josh

I appreciate the replies

I know this sounds lame but I am mainly from the c world and don't
venture into the c++ realm to often. That is why I was using the
strcat and strcpy functions instead of std. I am not as famliar with
std but what I gather I can do the following

namespace std;

string qfilename;
string mimetype;
string cfilepath = "C:\\Value\\import";
string basetempfile = "basetempfile";
string themime;
string randomintegerchar;
int randominteger;

mimetype = part->getMimeType(); //Mimetype would be in format of image/
tif and I would need tif

themime = mimetype.find_last_of("/"); <----Would I use this function
call to extract tif out of mimetype?

randominteger = rand(); <-----Get a random number

itoa(randominteger, randomintegerchar, 10); <----Put random number to
a string

qfilename.copy(basetempfile); <--add the basename
qfilename.append(randomintegerchar);<---add the random number
qfilename.append(".");<----Add the period
qfilename.append(themime);-<Add the filetype

cfilepath.append(qfilename);-<----Add the filepath to the directory

part->getContentToClientFile(cfilepath,1); //Puts the file out in the

First off does this look better or am I off track. If I am off track
could you tell me where and show me what I should be doing?

Secondly I would like to be able to update filename as well char
**filename from qfilename but using this new method I am confussed and
I dont want to switch between c and c++ and want to learn it

I know this is second nature to you guys but I am still in the
learning phase and would appreciate your expert advice so as to be as
good as you guys one day



mimetype = part->getMimeType();

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