reassigning pointers without calling delete

ma740988 <>
Tue, 3 Feb 2009 19:47:32 -0800 (PST)
I'm reviewing code (see below) that does identification of lasers on
four rails. The first thing the code does is create four 'Null_Type'

The next step in the process is to do initial identification. During
initial identification voltage values (not shown) are checked to
determine if it's a TYPE1 or TYPE2 laser.

The last step in the process compares another set of voltage values
(not shown) to determine if any TYPE2 is _really_ a SPECIAL_TYPE
(during initial identification above a SPECIAL_TYPE is _always_
treated as a TYPE2. i.e. A TYPE2 could be a TYPE2 or a

The code:

class Lsr_Types {

public :
  virtual void Read () = 0 ;
  virtual void Write () = 0;
  virtual Types GetType() = 0 ;

class Type1 : public Lsr_Types {

public :
  void Read () { }
  void Write () { }
  Types GetType() { return TYPE1; }

class Type2 : public Lsr_Types {

public :
  void Read () { }
  void Write () { }
  Types GetType() { return TYPE2; }

class SuperSpecialType : public Lsr_Types {

public :
  void Read () { }
  void Write () { }
  Types GetType() { return SPECIAL_TYPE; }

class Null_Type : public Lsr_Types {

public :
  void Read () { }
  void Write () { }
  Types GetType() { return NULL_TYPE; }

#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main(){
 int const NumLasers ( 4 ) ;
 typedef std::vector < Lsr_Types* > LSR_TYPE_VEC ;
 for ( int odx ( 0 ) ; odx < NumLasers ; ++odx ) {
   ltVecPtr.push_back ( new Null_Type() ) ;

 // for test purposes create typoes Lasers will report
 // during identification
 typedef std::vector < Types > TYPE_VEC ;
 TYPE_VEC tv ( 4 ) ;
 tv [ 0 ] = TYPE1;
 tv [ 1 ] = TYPE2;
 tv [ 2 ] = TYPE2;
 tv [ 3 ] = TYPE1;

 //run initial identification.
 //Here I could get either a Type1 or Type2
 for ( std::size_t odx ( 0 ) ; odx < tv.size() ; ++odx ) {
   if ( tv [ odx ] == TYPE1 ) {
     Lsr_Types *ptr = new Type1() ;
     ltVecPtr [ odx ] = ptr;
   } else if ( tv [ odx ] == TYPE2 ) { // must be a Type2
     Lsr_Types *ptr = new Type2() ;
     ltVecPtr [ odx ] = ptr ;
   } else {
     // do nothing already a Null_Type

 // for all Type2's check
 for ( std::size_t odx ( 0 ) ; odx < ltVecPtr.size() ; ++odx ) {
   if ( ltVecPtr [ odx ]->GetType() == TYPE2 ) {
     // check some voltage value somewheres.. then do
     // if ( someCondition ) { // you're really a SuperSpecialType
     Lsr_Types *ptr = new SuperSpecialType() ;
     ltVecPtr [ odx ] = ptr;
     // }

 for ( std::size_t odx ( 0 ) ; odx < ltVecPtr.size() ; ++odx ) {
   std::cout << static_cast< int > ( ltVecPtr [ odx ]->GetType() ) <<


At issue pointers within the vector get reassigned but the previous
memory address was never deleted - which is borderline scary to me. I
like the concept starting out with Null_Types then working from
there. What could be done to restructure this besides calling delete
during the reseating of the pointer? Thanks

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