Re: struct inheritance
On Feb 14, 4:03 am, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:
Neill wrote:
Can somebody explain why prog doesn't point to struct NumExp
Huh? How did you tell?
struct Exp_ {};
typedef Exp_* Exp;
struct NumExp : public Exp_
int num;
NumExp(int n)
num = n;
int main()
Exp prog = new NumExp(10);
return 0;
What did this program do (in terms of observable behavior)
that you did not expect?
If you run this program in a debugger and the debugger does
not show the correct dynamic type of *prog, then there could
be a problem with your debugger.
Given a pointer to an Exp_, I don't know how the debugger can
possibly know that the object in question is actually a NumExp.
The types aren't polymorphic (which probably means that the
conversion of the pointer was an error).
If the intent is to use the types polymorphically, Exp_ must
have at least one virtual function. If the intent is to new
objects of the derived type dynamically, and assign the
resulting pointer to a pointer to Exp_, Exp_ almost certainly
needs a virtual destructor.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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