Re: Beginner's Question: Global class variable without default constructor

Werner Schmidt <>
Tue, 10 Mar 2009 15:41:30 +0100
I wrote:

(and to be honest: I'm not sure if throwing an exception would be
good practice under C#).

After some thinking I've come to the conclusion that this would be
good-practice. If a user tries to pass an empty value (NULL) to my
constructor this is (in this case) a not to tolerate behaviour and worth
to throw an exception.

Of course I can check my value *before* calling my constructor

// main.cpp
if (hWnd != NULL) {
    game = new Game(hWnd);

but this would mean to trust in something from *outside* my object which
I want to be handled *through* my object.

I would implement something like

Game::Game(HWND hWndMain)
    if (hWndMain == NULL) {
        throw new UnexpectedNullValueException;

    // etc.


(I don't know if there is an equal exception in C++ already but just for

Of cource someone could do sth. like

// main.cpp
try {
    game = new Game(NULL);
} catch () {}

to fool my constructor but throwing an exception is all I can do.

Just my two cents


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