Re: smart pointer / constructor design problem

"Thomas J. Gritzan" <>
Sun, 19 Apr 2009 02:58:21 CST
Andrew Tomazos schrieb:

I have a standard reference counted smart pointer class abridged as

class Handleable { int refs; }

template<T> // T is subclass of Handleable
class Handle<T>
    T* m_p;
    Handle(T* p) : m_p(p) { m_p->refs++; }
    Handle(Handle<T>& that) : m_p(that.m_p) { m_p->refs++; }

Handle(Handle<T> const& that) /*...*/

....unless you don't want to initialize a Handle from a temporary.

    ~Handle() { if (m_p->refs-- == 0) delete this; }

I hope that this is a typo and you wanted to delete m_p here.

Also, it should be prefix decrement:

if (--m_p->refs == 0) delete m_p;


(Handle also can deal with null pointers and other things but you get
the idea)

The problem is that if a Handle is created and destroyed during
construction of a Handleable object, than the ref count is reduced to
0 and "delete this" fires:

void f(Handle<C> c)

class C : public Handleable

Handle<C> c = new C(); // crash, f's Handle<C> parameter causes
destruction of C instance before c's constructor can increment ref

That's because a class' constructor shouldn't pass around smart pointers
of itself. The constructor's job is to initialize the class instance,
and not to start a thread or to pass the instance to a function that
uses it.

If you'ld write a class D that inherits from C, C's constructor would
pass the instance to a function even before D is fully constructed.

The creator, the one who does "new C", should be responsible for passing
the instance around:

Handle<C> c = new C;

You can put this in a factory-like function and make the constructor
protected, if you want to enforce a call to f() for every instance of C.


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