Re: How to get the absolute address of an object's member function?

Andrew Tomazos <>
Tue, 12 May 2009 11:17:32 -0700 (PDT)
On May 12, 8:42 am, blackbiscuit <> wrote:

Dear all,

Suppose I have a class A which is defined as follows.

class A
        void f( int i )


A a;

How to get the absolute address of a.f( int )? Thank you very much!

Here is our member functor object with 1 parameter that will show you
the syntax for passing, storing and calling a member function:

class Task { public: virtual void execute() = 0; };

template<class C, class F, class P1>
class MethodTask1 : public Task
    C* m_c; F m_f; P1 m_p1;

    MethodTask1(C* c, F f, P1 p1) : m_c(c), m_f(f), m_p1(p1) {}

    virtual void execute() { (m_c->*m_f)(m_p1); }

template<class C, class F, class P1>
Task* buildMethodTask(C* c, F f, P1 p1) { return new MethodTask1<C, F,
P1>, c, f, p1); }

// called like this:

A a = ...;

Task* task = buildMethodTask(&a, &A::f, 43);



(The real one uses smart pointers, but you get the idea)


Andrew Tomazos <> <>

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