Re: Structure mapping using reinterpret_cast.

Joshua Maurice <>
Tue, 23 Jun 2009 13:16:34 CST
On Jun 22, 9:48 am, Olivier <> wrote:

Hi all,

I would like to check if a certain technique can be used or whether
there is any entry in the standard that prohibits it explicitly. If I
recall correctly, the standard guarantees that two structures
containing the same starting data members can be mapped on one another
and these common members can be access without yielding undefined
behaviour. That is, given :

struct A { int a; int b; };
struct B { int c; };

the following code is guaranteed to work :

     A a;
     B &b = *reinterpret_cast<B *>(&a);

     b.c = 12;
     assert(a.a == b.c);

And this assert should never fail.

By extension, if that is true, the following code should be guaranteed
to work :

     #include <iostream>

     // Base class containing the data.
     class A
         A( int val = 0 ) : val_(val) { }

         int get_value( ) const
         { return val_; }

          int val_;

     // Interface class that uses A's data.
     class B : public A
         int function( ) const
         { return get_value() / 2; }

     // Another interface class that uses A's data.
     class C : public A
         int function( ) const
         { return get_value() * 2; }

     int main( )
         A *a = new A(12);

         B *b = reinterpret_cast<B *>(a);
         std::cout << b->function() << "\n";

         C *c = reinterpret_cast<C *>(a);
         std::cout << c->function() << "\n";

         delete a;

If this isn't the case, could anyone quote the entry in the standard
that states this code yields undefined behavior ?

That guarantee is only for POD types in C++03, which means all public
members (among other things). Yes, the requirement of POD is more
narrow that what an implementation would require, but that's what the
standard guarantees.

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