Compile-Time Checking for Insertion Rights on a C++ DOM Tree

Hostile Fork <>
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 22:09:07 CST
While working on a DOM data structure, I noticed that only detached
nodes and newly created nodes could be legally inserted into the
tree. Having read a little about smart pointers and design-by-
contract, I tried to enforce this condition by writing something
analogous to:

   class Node {
       Node (std::string tag); // Clients: use Node::create() instead!
       static std::unique_ptr<Node> create(std::string tag);
       std::unique_ptr<Node> detach();
       void insertNodeAsFirstChild(std::unique_ptr<Node> child);
      bool isSpan() const;
      friend class std::unique_ptr<Node>;
      virtual ~Node(); // all deletions should be done by unique_ptr

There were some concrete advantages:

* The compiler protects against clients of the DOM inserting a node
into the tree which already had a parent (rather than only catching
such errors at runtime, as most other DOMs do)
* There is no need for garbage collection, since responsibility for
freeing removed nodes is managed by ownership transfer using the smart

But I'm not happy about the "unique_ptr" semantics. Clients of the
tree are still holding aliased pointers all over the place, so
patterns like this are everywhere:

   std::unique_ptr<Node> newNode (Node::create("span"));
   Node* nodePtr = newNode.get();
   if (nodePtr->isSpan()) {

What is being transferred around uniquely is the "right to insert this
node into a tree, and responsibility to destroy if you don't". I can
use a typedef to delegate "unique" to being an implementation detail.
But I'm still concerned about basing the implementation on a pointer
whose expectation is "uniqueness", even if it' seems to work the way I

Are there more legitimate techniques that still give the benefits I'm
looking for? The project already links against boost, and is using C+
+0x. So if there's a better pattern which builds on that foundation,
I'd be happy to follow it. (Note: for unrelated technical reasons,
it's not a problem if these Node objects cannot be stack-allocated.)

Any pointers pun intended!! :)



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