Re: void* passed as funtion parameters?

=?Utf-8?B?Um9iYnk=?= <>
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 14:59:01 -0700
Hello Barry,

typedef struct tag_pc {
long LK__F1;
} pc; <<< 2nd error points here

typedef struct tag_ab {
long LK__F1;
} ab; <<< 5th error points here

typedef struct tag_cd {
long LK__F1;
} cd;

void f1(void *x, int type)
case 1: pc *p = x; break; <<< 1st & 3rd error points here
case 2: ab *p = x; break; <<< 4th error points here
case 2: cd *p = x; break;
p->LK__F1 = 10;

int main()
void *x;

x = malloc (sizeof (struct tag_pc));
f1(x, 1);

x = malloc (sizeof (struct tag_ab));
f1(x, 2);

x = malloc (sizeof (struct tag_cd));
f1(x, 3);

return 0;
Here are the 1st 5 errors:

: error C2275: 'pc' : illegal use of this type as an expression

1>c:\_dts_programming\c_programming\c\c_tests\c_string_samples\misc_c_samples\codeuniforming.c(64) : see declaration of 'pc'

1>c:\_dts_programming\c_programming\c\c_tests\c_string_samples\misc_c_samples\codeuniforming.c(85) : error C2065: 'p' : undeclared identifier

: error C2275: 'ab' : illegal use of this type as an expression

c:\_dts_programming\c_programming\c\c_tests\c_string_samples\misc_c_samples\codeuniforming.c(68) : see declaration of 'ab'


I was hoping for the following to work:

void f1(void *x)
//pc *p = x;

x->LK__F1 = 10;


But the above gives 1 error:

: error C2223: left of '->LK__F1' must point to struct/union

I know that the following declaration

pc *p = x;

should be before any code!

Best regards

"Barry Schwarz" wrote:

On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 21:46:00 +0300, "Alex Blekhman"
<> wrote:

"Robby" wrote:

I get a multitude of errors at the function:

void f1(void *x, int type)
case 1: pc *p = x; break; <<<< error here!!!!
case 2: ab *p = x; break;
case 2: cd *p = x; break;
p->LK__F1 = 10;

Yes, you get errors because there is no cast from void* to the
actual type. You should cast void* pointers before you can use

pc *p = (pc *)x;
p->LK__F1 = 10;

In C, as opposed to C++, object pointers can be converted to and from
pointer to void without using a cast.

It would have been nice if the OP had bothered to indicate what the
error was. As near as I can tell, the first error (of many) is
failing to follow the case label with a statement.

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