Re: Why use C++ instead of Java?

"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid>
Sun, 6 Sep 2009 23:26:52 -0700
"SG" <> wrote in message

I used GCC and no special allocator. To be specific:
G++ 4.3.3 versus Sun's HotSpot VM, Java 1.6.0_16
on a i686 Linux box running in 32bit mode.

   int main()
      const long count = 10000000;
      int** pp = new int*[count];
      for (long i=0; i<count; ++i) {
         pp[i] = new int(i);
      for (long i=count-1; i>=0; --i) {
         delete pp[i];
      delete[] pp;

Here is the output I get from the C++ program above:
$ time ./test

real 0m9.871s
user 0m0.031s
sys 0m0.015s
   class alloc {
      static class intref {
         public int value;
         public intref(int v) { value = v; }
      public static void main(String[] args) {
         int count = 10000000;
         intref[] ia = new intref[count];
         for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
            ia[i] = new intref(i);

Here is the output I get from the Java program above:
$ time java alloc
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at alloc.main(

real 0m1.506s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.062s

Wow! I guess Java just does not get along with 512mb of ram. Shi% happens


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