Re: Article on possible improvements to C++

"io_x" <a@b.c.invalid>
Tue, 1 Dec 2009 09:15:42 +0100
"Alf P. Steinbach" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

* dragan:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

  #include <stdio.h>

  struct S
      void* operator new( size_t const size, char const* const blah )
          printf( "allocation function called, arg = \"%s\"\n", blah );
          return ::operator new( size );

      S( int const whatever )
          printf( "constructor called, arg = %d\n", whatever );

  int main()
      S* const p = new( "Get it?" ) S( 42 );

are you sure all your "const" are right?
are you sure that the memory point from p is not a memory leak?
Is there anhoter way to call
"void* operator new( size_t const size, char const* const blah )"
other than "new( "Get it?" ) S( 42 )"?

even if i write

  int main()
      S* const p = new( "Get it?" ) S( 42 );

     delete p;


it calls, the "delete p" string, the [default] distructor of S?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define P printf
#define i8 signed char
#define V void

struct S{
 void* (operator new)(size_t size, char* blah)
    {printf( "allocation function called, arg = \"%s\"\n", blah );
     return (::operator new)(size);
 S(int whatever)
     printf( "constructor called, arg = %d\n", whatever );
     if(whatever<=0) return;
     Sarr= (i8*) malloc(whatever);
     printf( "void costructor\n");
     Sarr= (i8*) malloc(1024);
 i8* Sarr;

int main(void)
{// S* p=new("Get it?") S( 42 );
 // S* p=new("Get it?") S;
 // S* p=new("Get it?") S();
   S* p=new("Get it?")S;
 delete p;
 return 0;

here the memory pointed from p [ came from (::operator new)(size)]
is really free?

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