Re: Template question

Gert-Jan de Vos <>
Wed, 2 Dec 2009 08:15:49 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 2, 5:00 pm, Adrian <> wrote:

Hi All,

Is the output from the following code correct? Is the result
undefined? I am not quite sure what I expected from this :-). Should
both the time_t and DateTime creation call the specialized class or
should only the time_t. Both results would make sense to me.

Does it say this anywhere in the standard at all?



#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

typedef time_t DateTime;

class BoringBase
      virtual ~BoringBase() {}


template<typename T>
class Foo : public BoringBase
      Foo() { std::cout << "Constructing run-of-the-mill Foo\n"; }


class Foo<time_t> : public BoringBase
      Foo() { std::cout << "Special time_t Foo\n"; }


int main(int /* argc */, char /* *argv[] */)
   BoringBase *a,*b,*c;

   a=new Foo<int>();
   b=new Foo<time_t>();
   c=new Foo<DateTime>();

   return 0;


// Outputs:
// [adrianc@mlx32dev:~]$g++ -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wextra -Weffc++
// [adrianc@mlx32dev:~]$a.out
// Constructing run-of-the-mill Foo
// Special time_t Foo
// Special time_t Foo

This result is correct. The typedef does not create a new type, it
defines a synonym for time_t named DateTime. Both are names for one
and the same type, therefore both b and c show the same behavior. Use
struct, class, union or enum to define new types.

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