Re: Dynamic Templates

Thomas Richter <>
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 20:09:16 CST
pfultz2 schrieb:

I was wondering, first if this was possible with templates, say i have
a class like this:

template<class T, int N>
class foo : public foo_base

can instantiate this class like using a runtime integer like this:
int i = calculateSize();
foo_base * var = new foo<int, N>();

Unfortunately, C++ doesn't allow that. If it would, then either the
instantiation and hence compilation would have to happen at run-time -
which is not supported by the C++ execution model - or the compiler
would have to generate code for each possible value of "i" - which would
be quite a lot of classes for integers.

and if thats possible, could i instantiate it the class using some
runtime type, perhaps something like this:
class c = getType();
foo_base * var = new foo<c, 0>();

Neither, same problem. It must be known at *compile time* which
templates are to be instantiated.

perhaps it could be done, but not in this simple way.

The usual solution is to have a big switch-case with all the values that
you need to handle:

switch(calculateSize()) {
    case 1:
        var = new foo<XXX,1>();
    case 2:
        var = new foo<XXX,2>();

of course, this is only practical if the number of possibilities is
limited. Otherwise, you would not only create a very long and unreadable
switch-case, you would also create a lot of code. Your binary would be
extremely long.

So long,

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      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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