Performance problem with Pthread code

tutul <>
Fri, 26 Mar 2010 12:46:28 -0700 (PDT)

I am running the following code on a 4-processor/8-core IBM Blade with
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga) and GCC 4.1.2.
I am not getting any performance gain due to pthread multi-threading.
I get the best performance with 1 thread and it gets worse with 2, 4,
8, .. threads, essentially indicating that the threads are actually
runnnig serially. Although I have C++ class definitions, I am not
actually using any C++ features e.g. std::cout or anything in
associated classes.

Any suggestion will be much appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "pthread.h"

#include "Particle.H"
#include "Space.H"


#define NUM_BOXES 64
#define NUM_STEPS 10
#define BOX_X_SIZE 100
#define BOX_Y_SIZE 100
#define RADIUS 0.0
#define DT 0.01

typedef struct // Info needed by a worker thread.
  int id;
  double mySum;

} ThreadData_t;

Space box[NUM_BOXES];
double globalSum = 0.0;
int eggCount = 0;
int loglevel = 0;

pthread_mutex_t sum_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

typedef struct {
    pthread_mutex_t cond_mutex; // the mutex
    pthread_cond_t cond_var; // the condition variable
    int data; // the data item used as a flag.
    } flag;

flag ourFlag = { // default initialization
        -1 };

void *threadFunction( void *threadData_ );


int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  if( argc < 2 )
    printf("\nUsage: simulator <num_threads> [loglevel]\n\n");
    return( 0 );

  if( argc > 2 ) loglevel = atoi( argv[2] );

  struct timeval time1, time2;
  int numThreads = atoi( argv[1] );
  printf("Number of threads: %d", numThreads );

  if( argc > 2 ) loglevel = atoi( argv[2] );

  // Initialize each box and particles inside it.
  for( int i=0; i<NUM_BOXES; ++i )
    box[i].initialize( 0, 0, BOX_X_SIZE, BOX_Y_SIZE,
    int n = box[i].initParticles( (u_int)i, RADIUS );

    printf("\nNumber of particles in box %d: %d", i, n );

  // Create specified number of threads and assign NUM_BOXES/
  // boxes to each thread. The last thread may have less boxes than
  pthread_t *threads = (pthread_t
*)malloc( sizeof(pthread_t)*numThreads );
  ThreadData_t *threadData =
    (ThreadData_t *)malloc( sizeof(ThreadData_t)*numThreads );

  // Initialize individual thread data.
  for( int i=0; i<numThreads; ++i )
    threadData[i].id = i;
    threadData[i].mySum = 0.0;

  for( int i=0; i<numThreads; ++i )
    int rc = pthread_create( &threads[i], NULL, threadFunction,
                             (void*)&threadData[i] );
    if( rc != 0 )
      printf("\nERROR: Failed to launch thread %d\n", i );


  gettimeofday( &time1, NULL );

  // Master distributes work to the thread pool here.
  for( int i=0; eggCount<NUM_BOXES; i=(i+1)%NUM_BOXES )
    if( box[i].step < NUM_STEPS ) // This box is not done yet.
      int status = pthread_mutex_lock( &ourFlag.cond_mutex );
      if( status != 0 )
        printf("\nERROR: lock failed on cond_mutex.\n");
        exit( -1 );
      } = i; // Send box i to the thread pool.

      status = pthread_cond_broadcast( &ourFlag.cond_var );
      //status = pthread_cond_signal( &ourFlag.cond_var );
      if( status != 0 )
        printf("\nERROR: signal failed on cond_var.\n");
        exit( -1 );

      status = pthread_mutex_unlock( &ourFlag.cond_mutex );
      if( status != 0 )
        printf("\nERROR: unlock failed on cond_mutex.\n");
        exit( -1 );

      if( loglevel > 2 )
        printf("\nWaiting on thread pool for box %d", i );

      while( != -1 ) // Wait until a worker picks this
box up.
        if( eggCount >= NUM_BOXES ) break; // This should not happen!

      if( loglevel > 2 ) printf("\nBox %d taken.", i );
    else if( box[i].step == NUM_STEPS )
      if( loglevel > 0 ) printf("\nBox %d just completed.", i );
      box[i].step++; // increment beyond NUM_STEP to discard this
    else // This box is already done, move to the next one.
      if( loglevel > 1 ) printf("\nBox %d already completed.", i );

    if( eggCount >= NUM_BOXES ) // Check if all boxes are already
      printf("\nAll boxes completed.");
      printf("\n\t***Global sum of velocity squares: %.5f\n",
globalSum );

  gettimeofday( &time2, NULL );

  double etime = time2.tv_sec - time1.tv_sec +
            ( time2.tv_usec - time1.tv_usec )/1000000.0;

  printf("\n\t***Elapsed time: %.5f seconds\n\n", etime );

  for( int i=0; i<numThreads; ++i )
    pthread_join( threads[i], NULL );

  pthread_mutex_destroy( &sum_mutex );
  free( threads );
  free( threadData );
  pthread_exit( NULL );


void *threadFunction( void *threadData_ )
  ThreadData_t *threadData = (ThreadData_t*)threadData_;

  while( eggCount < NUM_BOXES )
    int status = pthread_mutex_lock( &ourFlag.cond_mutex );
    if( status != 0 )
      printf("ERROR: lock failed on cond_mutex.\n");
      exit( -1 );

    while( == -1 && eggCount < NUM_BOXES )
      if( loglevel > 0 )
        printf("\nThread blocking: %d", threadData->id );

      status = pthread_cond_wait( &ourFlag.cond_var,
                                  &ourFlag.cond_mutex );
      if( status != 0 )
        printf("ERROR: wait failed on condition variable.\n");
        exit( -1 );

    // Get the the box id the Master has given.
    int boxId =; = -1; // Let the Master know the given box is

    if( loglevel > 0 )
      printf("\nThread %d processing box %d", threadData->id, boxId );

    status = pthread_mutex_unlock( &ourFlag.cond_mutex );
    if( status != 0 )
      printf("ERROR: unlock failed on cond_mutex.\n");
      exit( -1 );

    // Perform just 1 step on the given box here.
    if( box[boxId].step < NUM_STEPS )
      box[boxId].moveParticles( DT );

    if( box[boxId].step >= NUM_STEPS ) // All steps done on this box.
      // Sum up velocity squares in this box.
      double boxSum = box[boxId].getVelocitySquare();

      if( loglevel > 0 )
        printf("\n\t***Total velocity square in box %d: %.5f",
                boxId, boxSum );
      // Accumulate velocity squares of boxes done by this thread.
      threadData->mySum += boxSum ;

      // Protect the shared data using mutex.
      status = pthread_mutex_lock( &sum_mutex );
      if( status != 0 )
        printf("ERROR: lock failed on sum_mutex.\n");
        exit( -1 );

      globalSum += boxSum;

      status = pthread_mutex_unlock( &sum_mutex );
      if( status != 0 )
        printf("ERROR: unlock failed on sum_mutex.\n");
        exit( -1 );
  } // end while( eggCount < NUM_BOXES )

  return( threadData_ );


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