Re: regarding Auto and decltype

Nick Hounsome <>
Tue, 25 May 2010 12:54:49 CST
On 24 May, 16:45, ManicQin <> wrote:

Hello everybody.
In Scott Meyers lecture notes he states that one of the differences
between Auto and decltype is that the decltype does not evaluate the

I have a question regarding the evaluation of the expression, in the
next scenario what should I expect:

class B

        virtual B* Clone()
                cout << "B" << endl;
                return new B();


class D : public B
        virtual D* Clone()
                cout << "D" << endl;
                return new D();


int main()
        B* tmp = new D();
        auto test1 = tmp->Clone(); //returns D*!!!
        decltype(tmp->Clone()) test2 = tmp->Clone();
return 0;


Please note That D::Clone overloads with a different return type.

In my understanding if the "auto" is evaluating so it means that the
type of test1 should be D*, but VS10 understands different :) what am
I missing?

It's evaluated at runtime - The type is still the compile time return
type of B::Clone() i.e. B*.

All it means is that if you need an uninitialized variable you have to
use decltype.

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