Re: A scoped_ptr class that does not allow NULL ?

Tim H <>
Mon, 31 May 2010 21:24:59 -0700 (PDT)
On May 31, 8:23 pm, =D6=F6 Tiib <> wrote:

On 1 juuni, 03:32, Tim H <> wrote:

Does such a thing exist? It seems handy for self-documenting, at

I whipped this up. Am i missing something?

<snip implementation>

Why you need it not to be NULL? NULL is important value of pointer.
Typical usage:

 class Bar

 void foo()
    boost::scoped_ptr<Bar> BarPtr; // is NULL

       // can't declare BarPtr here, otherwise would
       // be destroyed at end of block
       BarPtr.reset( new Bar() );
    catch( ... )
       // error handling, not sure it rethrows
       // and may result BarPtr remains NULL

    if ( BarPtr )

IOW i do not understand usage of pointers that can not be NULL. Can
you elaborate?

I have a lot of classes that take ownership of pointers (part of a
syntax tree for a language grammar). Those pointers can not be NULL,
or else the classes do not work.

I found myself littering the code with either asserts or with tests
for NULL, or else I kept referring back to the grammar to see if NULL
was viable (in some cases it is, in many it is not). I found myself
wanting a scoped_ptr class member that gets initialized from the ctor
and is very clear about ownership and expectations.

Now, I just look at the data member and it is
"NeverNullScopedPointer<Expression> m_expr;" and I know that the
expression is required to be non-NULL.

Adding the extra traps for NULL literals actually caught one place
where I had screwed up, and making the ctor arg not have a default
value of NULL caught 2 places where I had forgotten to init a pointer.

So that was my use case. I was just wondering if there was already
something like this or if this was actually useful. Also hoping to
get feedback on any screw-ups I made.

FWIW: I also made a MaybeNullScopedPtr<T> class which is just
boost::scoped_ptr. :)


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