Re: Overloading Operator[] through 'this' pointer?

Immortal Nephi <>
Tue, 8 Jun 2010 08:23:49 -0700 (PDT)
On Jun 7, 3:01 pm, Paul Bibbings <> wrote:

Immortal Nephi <> writes:

   Can overloading operator[] be connected to any member functions
through =91this' pointer? I do not want to insert assignment betwe=


array object and integer value. I prefer to place integer value in
the member function's parameter.

For example:

class Array
   Array( int size ) : pData( new unsigned char[ size ] )

           delete [] pData;

   int &operator[]( int index )
           return pData[ index ];

   Array &Set_LowNibble( unsigned char val, int index )
           pData[ index ] &= 0xF0;
           pData[ index ] |= (val & 0x0F );
           return *this;

   Array &Set_HighNibble( unsigned char val, int index )
           pData[ index ] &= 0x0F;

           unsigned char temp = val;
           temp &= 0x0F;
           temp <<= 4;

           pData[ index ] |= temp;

           return *this;

   unsigned char *pData;

int main()
   Array array( 4 );

   array[ 0 ] = 0x1E; // Always valid code

   // Not valid code but you find another way
   array[ 1 ].Set_LowNibble( 0x0D, 1 ).Set_HighNibble( 0x02, 1 );

   return 0;

The following is just an idea to think about. I have not given very
much consideration to the details and I am not completely sure why you
are wanting it to work in this way.

   class Byte
      Byte(unsigned char& c) : c_(c) { }
      Byte& operator=(unsigned char val)
         c_ = val;
         return *this;
      Byte& Set_LowNibble(unsigned char val)
         c_ &= 0xF0;
         c_ |= (val & 0x0F);
         return *this;
      Byte& Set_HighNibble(unsigned char val)
         c_ &= 0x0F;
         unsigned char temp = val;
         temp &= 0x0F;
         temp <<= 4;
         c_ |= temp;
         return *this;
      operator unsigned char&() { return c_; }
      unsigned char& c_;

   class Array
      Array(int size)
         : pData(new unsigned char[size])
      { }
         delete [] pData;
      Byte operator[](int index)
         return pData[index];
      unsigned char *pData;

   int main()
      Array array(4);

      array[0] = 0x3C;


      std::cout << array[0] << '\n';
      std::cout << array[1] << '\n';

      unsigned char& c_ref = array[1];
      c_ref = array[0];

      std::cout << array[0] << '\n';
      std::cout << array[1] << '\n';

      return 0;

    * Output:
    * <
    * -
    * <
    * <

That code looks great. One problem=97If I want to create a pointer,
Set_LowNibble and Set_HighNibble are not members of that class.

Array *pArray = new Array( 4 );

    What is another way to fix?

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